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women can be as pretty as a rose blooming on the first day of spring or they can turn into a deadly cobra if you push the right buttons.So always remeber when it comes to a womans heart the most fragile thing she has be sure to treasure it and keep it and never let her go no matter what.Because once a woman gives you her heart its a change of life you feel different you want to wake up each day and its crazy because you have this special person that entered you heart.So do you agree that a woman can be either a rose or a cobra?

2006-11-13 14:16:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

3 answers

What a weird question, but sure I agree with you. Women are always changing and so does their mood. It depends on what they are feeling. But, it's so sweet what you said on the second to the last sentence. You'll make a woman a "rose" someday..

2006-11-13 14:44:16 · answer #1 · answered by Callie 2 · 0 1

is PMS a factor?? then YES....but i must say lumping all women in one blanket statement is kind of unfair.

personally i am unlike any woman you will ever meet...i am sure there are woman out there that will agree with me...

seriously...are you like every other man? do you fall in one of 2 categories?

something to think about...i hope!

2006-11-13 14:24:35 · answer #2 · answered by never2pink 3 · 0 0

Yes I can be a rose and if you hurt me watch out .

KIss Kiss

2006-11-13 14:52:49 · answer #3 · answered by Geedebb 6 · 0 1

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