Jesus is Gods way of reaching man.
Religion is mans attempt at reaching God. Its doomed to failure apart from Jesus.
Ban religion? Whats the point? Lets ban idiotic "intellectuals" like Elton John from making stupid comments!
2006-11-13 14:16:08
answer #1
answered by Stratobratster 6
As much as I like Elton John, he's got a great voice, his suggestion is very extreme. He's speaking out of a lot of pain. So, no, we shouldn't follow his advise but religion could do a better job in accepting everyone.In fact, we all could.
2006-11-13 13:02:04
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Ban each and every faith in the international? does not that be the non secular ideals of a few BILLION people? provide me a ruin... it could be lots much less perplexing just to restrict the song of Elton John, a miles greater clever and non violent answer.
2016-10-22 01:11:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm not really for religion myself, I thank whats important is relationship and we all need a relationship with God. But to answer your question there well be a time when that well happen but now is not the time. Its not your call in another word.
2006-11-13 13:06:55
answer #4
answered by ashley k 2
Actually he was talking about organized religion and while many DO good things considering those that kill in the name of their religion or use it as justification to persecute people(including people who don't believe in that religion) and feel that their Doctrine is more important than giving out life-saving information, I can understand where he is coming from completely.
2006-11-13 14:08:15
answer #5
answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6
Absolutely not. Maybe religion isn't an important part of Elton's life. But it means a lot to many people of faith.
2006-11-13 13:00:43
answer #6
answered by gc27858 4
There's very little in the world that should be banned- so, no.
But we should seriously consider, think about, and discuss religion and weigh its pros and cons.
2006-11-13 13:10:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Religion is the absolute WORST of man's inventions! It's controlling and it's used to suck the energy and wealth from the weak-minded masses.
It absolutely should be banned.
2006-11-13 13:04:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
that's about as effective as banning alcohol. way to teach tolerance and acceptance by example... something about a candle in the wind...
2006-11-13 13:21:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
who is we? Do you mean the gay community? How can 1-3% of the population have any effect over whether anyone else worships God. Its a ridiculous proposition form a ridiculous man.
2006-11-15 19:41:13
answer #10
answered by georgeewert 1