They actually do the same thing, protect a circuit in event of an overload. The circuit breaker can be reset and used over and over, where a fuse is a one shot deal and has to be replaced. Fuses are usually found in older buildings where circuit breakers are in newer ones. Incidentally,changing from fuses to circuit breakers in your home can save on homeowners insurance too.
2006-11-13 12:43:51
answer #1
answered by Arthur W 7
That picture is a circuit breaker distribution panel. Those black devices are the circuit breakers. A fuse box would have fuses in it rather than circuit breakers. There are many types of fuses but in a fuse box you will usually see round, screw in fuses. Email if you need more help.
2016-03-13 21:58:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
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Both do the same job, protect your house from overloaded circuits. A fuse box contains fuses that have to be replaced when they burn out from age, overload or vibration. Circuit breaker box contain circuit breakers that can just be reset when they go off. The picture is a circuit breaker box.
2016-04-10 08:37:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
when you over load a fuse it blows or burns a small metal strip in the fuse so you have to replace the fuse. a circuit breaker will trip or kick off when it cools you just reset the breaker.
2006-11-13 12:28:41
answer #4
answered by roy40372 6
A fuse is a one time use device for current (power) protection. You must replace it once it blows. A circuit breaker provides the same function, however it is reuseable. It can be reset. No need to replace it.
2006-11-13 12:53:52
answer #5
answered by djrege 1
If a circuit breaker is overloaded it can be reset. If a fuse is overloaded it is ruined and must be replaced.
2006-11-13 12:22:45
answer #6
answered by The professor 4
a fuse is a single a circuit breaker is all fuses together and controls the electric flow so that it runs smoothly
2006-11-13 12:27:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
cap't , arthur w is correct, the breaker can be used over and over whereas the fuse is being out moted and can only be used once when blown.
insurance reductions are correct also, i cut mine in half and it was a 300.00 saving in oregon
2006-11-13 12:56:20
answer #8
answered by ticketoride04 5
a circut breaker will stop a stream of electricity when there is to much, and a fuse is just a power source or something that keeps the power at a certain watage...maybe not sure about the fuse.
2006-11-13 12:22:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
2015-04-12 04:38:57
answer #10
answered by Soge Riliwan 1