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They looked sort of Native Indian in style... they were knitted slippers with a thin leather sole, they went up to the top of your calves, and just had a string to tighten them. They usually had a design knitted into them. What were they called? Can you still get them anywhere?

2006-11-13 06:28:24 · 2 answers · asked by ontario ashley 4 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

2 answers

Mukluk's are the varient for moccasin's..A higher profile..designed for winter wear..Developed by the Inuit and Eskimo people's of our far north...

Became stylish, years ago for a couple year's..Mostly knock offs of the real thing. Not very practical..Yes you can still get the real ones up here where I live...The local native ladies still make them...They run anywhere from $150.00 to $500.00 per pair, depending on the hide used, beading and design...

Try looking up these two magazines in your browser..."Up Here"...and The " Alaska Magazine"...There are ads in there for them...Wait a min...Just looked it up for you in "Alaska"...Here you go..Made in Minnesota..even so, these are good...

Steger Mukluks inc. Ph 1-800-mukluks.or.www.mukluks.com. They are in Ely, mn...

These are good ones..That work... :)...Stay warm...Yukoneze

2006-11-13 06:58:00 · answer #1 · answered by yukoneze 3 · 0 0

trends always come back

2006-11-13 10:52:46 · answer #2 · answered by efrenchtoyasia 1 · 0 1

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