Dear Abby,
A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is
a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker
in her mid-twenties. These two women go everywhere
together and I've never seen a man go into their apartment
or come out. Do you think they could be Lebanese?'s about as intelligent as some of the jokers that come here, might as well have fun...what's your opinion?
13 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Cultures & Groups
➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Just to clarify, folks...this was emailed to me from a daily joke site...I did NOT originate this...LOL
06:03:55 ·
update #1
Ya know, I have to tell you, I really appreciate your attitude about posting, even tho the question itself is a little dicey. You let us know up front that you realize it might be in the wrong category (I don;t think it is), and you express humour about it too. So...
THANK YOU! I've quite had my fill of idiots around here! You are refreshing!
The only way your going to know the answer to your question is to get to know these ladies. They might be... but then, they might not be. There's no way of knowing without any more evidence that what you've given. Hell, they could be mother and daughter!
2006-11-13 05:41:16
answer #1
answered by revenueforge 4
After 2 months you have no longer gotten your era, then it's time to envision which contain your surgeon to make sure what's inflicting the irregularity. it may be incredibly some issues hampering the conventional pass of your menstruation and this is relatively no longer solid to think of that it's going to repair itself. To be on the secure factor, examine which contain your gynecologist.
2016-12-17 09:23:09
answer #2
answered by ? 4
God love Dear Abby.
Here's one of my favorites from her:
You could move. ~Abigail Van Buren, "Dear Abby," in response to a reader who complained that a gay couple was moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to improve the quality of the neighborhood
2006-11-13 07:34:40
answer #3
answered by Harry_Cox 5
Lady lesbians from Lebanon, now that's a tongue twister. What's even funnier is that only about two other people got the joke.
2006-11-13 06:59:26
answer #4
answered by Rageling 4
They could be Lebanese, Hungarian, Greek, Italian, German, French , whatever.
2006-11-13 09:26:28
answer #5
answered by Eat At The Y 4
I thought of an old saying when I read this..." If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck.....THEN IT IS A DUCK!"
2006-11-13 05:31:03
answer #6
answered by Janet W 1
they probably are lesbians.... it is possible that they are not lesbians....they could be roomates with military boyfriends....but they are probably still experimenting with each other either way.
2006-11-13 05:49:08
answer #7
answered by jen4802051709 3
Well I thought it was funny
2006-11-13 06:30:31
answer #8
answered by Baby 3
Ask them over for dinner, then ask them...maybe you'll get lucky and they'll be bi...
2006-11-13 05:41:43
answer #9
answered by boots 6
i think there french
2006-11-13 06:04:43
answer #10
answered by justin p 1