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Yoda could see into the future, so I'm thinking he knew about Luke and Leia.

2006-11-13 04:43:05 · answer #1 · answered by Zorlinda 6 · 1 3

Yoda said this in reference to Luke, not Anakin. He was referring to Leah, who shares Luke's genes and therefore could be as powerful a Jedi as he is.

It may also have been a reference to the children that Han and Leah were to produce and would be featured in the final three movies which, we have now learned, will not be made. At the time that this was filmed, Lucas still planned to make all nine Star Wars movies.

2006-11-13 04:51:23 · answer #2 · answered by Celtic Rebel 3 · 2 0

Anakin who eventually becomes Darth Vader fathers twins. This is Luke and Leah. He fathered these two children while brekaing his oath to the Jedi force by partaking in the primal emotion of passion. This is strictly forbidden since it clouds your ability to use the force and to make unbaised judgments.
Remember that previously Yoda had said that while the power was strong with anaken his power was unharnessed and this made him a viable threat to the entire republic. This later came true as he broke these vows and fathered these children, became power hungry with the lack of faith in his jedi capabilities, and by caving to jelousy and envy around power positions and his secret wife.
These children were born at the cost of his love's life. This was the ultimate blow to him, because now he was unable to spend his time with her, but he had lost his path of virtue and to his knowledge his children.
This is what many writers refer to as a forshadowing. Yoda was so strong with the force that he was able to see ahead to the next generation and the hope that these children would bring. He knew from the moment that he saw anakin that he would bring a great terror to the jedi, but at this cost he would also father the chilren who would ultimately save all and bring a dawn to a new era of the republic.
And like the guy said above, I think you are referring to the wrong episode. Your quote seems a bit off, but I believe you are referring to a part in Episode 3 with the loss of Anakin. The direct quote is not in reference to Anakin at all but about luke leaving for cloud city and Yoda is referencing Leah, his sister, and her own jedi powers. However, I think you have mixed the quotes and are actually trying to talk about one of the final scenes in the third episode with the loss of Anaken to the dark side where Yoda looks to the two children for hope in the future. Many people do not remember the dialog that is occuring at the end of this movie where the children are being seperated so that they would have a better chance of survival and maintain hope for the future of the republic.

2006-11-13 05:13:59 · answer #3 · answered by Kali 3 · 0 0

Daria is very close, but this is because you have asked your question incorrectly. The quote is from The Empire Strikes Back, and Yoda does not say that Anakin is not the last hope, he says that Luke is not the last hope (he is ending his training too early to go and rescue Han Solo and is in danger of falling to the dark side). The other last hope, as Daria stated, is Leia.

2006-11-13 04:45:31 · answer #4 · answered by sdvwallingford 6 · 4 0

the closest instance that i can think of that comes to describing what you've mentioned is from Ep. V, the Empire Strikes Back.

luke is preparing to leave while yoda tells him that he is not ready. luke promises to come back and as his ship leaves, Ben Kenobi's voice mentiones that Luke is their only hope. Yoda looks down and corrects him by saying "no, there is another."

what yoda meant was that there was someone else who could take up the mantle of the last jedi... that being luke's sister, leah. if luke failed in his attempt, they could always try to get leah to become the "last" of the jedi.

this was actually shown in one of the star wars "infinites" titles where they have leah taking over for luke who has died.

2006-11-13 05:03:00 · answer #5 · answered by kiss my wookie! 5 · 0 0

During "The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda mentioned to Obi-Wan that there was another Skywalker *Yoda was referring to Leia..this was after Luke abandoned his training to go to Cloud City*

During "Return of the Jedi", just before Yoda died he said "There is another Sky....walker" to Luke just before he passed. Obi-Wan met Luke outside and told him Yoda was referring to his twin sister, and Luke realized he meant Leia was his twin sister *not bad considering Leia was the only female in the series up to this point >)*

2006-11-13 05:12:52 · answer #6 · answered by starikotasukinomiko 6 · 0 0

I think I remember Yoda saying that Luke wasn't the last hope. He said that because of Luke's twin sister Leia.
I'm not positive on this though.

2006-11-13 04:44:22 · answer #7 · answered by just_another_nerd 3 · 3 0

Luke Skywalker

2006-11-15 09:16:08 · answer #8 · answered by Darth Maul 1 · 0 0

Which movie are you referring to? I don't recall Yoda having said anything like that. It was in The Empire Strikes Back where Kenobi says "That boy is our last hope" (referring to Luke) and Yoda reponds "No, there is another" (referring to Leia).

2006-11-13 04:43:43 · answer #9 · answered by Blue Jean 6 · 2 1

The 6th was Return of the Jedi. He actually said it in the 5th which was Empire Strikes Back.

He said Luke was not the last hope. and he was talking about Princess Leah who is Lukes Sister who would be the other

2006-11-13 04:43:33 · answer #10 · answered by keith s 5 · 4 0

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