the answers above could all be signifiers for a fake bag, as many fake bags come from the factories that make the actual bags, A gucci bag, depending on the quality, should be made in Italy, some of the less expensive bags can be made abroad. the key signifier for a REAL gucci bag should be a metal tag on the inside of the bag with a code and/or documentation.
2006-11-13 03:02:49
answer #1
answered by aailin100 2
First you ask the person you purchase it from if it's genuine or knockoff, If it's a leather Gucci you will know by the high smell of genuine leather. The most important clue is the serial number,it would be inside of the purse normally in a zipped compartment along with a card that will allow you to register your purse. If those 2 items are not available then 9 times out of ten it's fake!
2006-11-13 10:45:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If it says it's "Made in China," then obviously it's fake. I never owned one, but that's what I heard from other female Gucci purse-owners. You can see whether or not it's made of the highest quality of leather and "the stitching is fine and perfect
and the brand's name "Gucci" is perfectly stamped
on the purse."
2006-11-13 10:43:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
To make sure it's real, I suggest buying it from a real store like Neiman Marcus, Saks or Nordstrom. Or go to a for real Gucci boutique.
2006-11-13 11:33:55
answer #4
answered by feisty 2
hiya hun
you can tell by the stitching around the purse
obviously the price
inside the purse it shud say made in i thin italy or paris not sure on that sorry
and you will be able to tell by the colours they should be bold and not faded
i hoped that help xx
2006-11-13 10:42:11
answer #5
answered by .x.expensive.x 2
This is the third year that QVC televised its shopping program in Manhattan on Fashion's Night Out. Company officials noted that viewership typically is twice what they see compared to other days.
2014-08-09 01:47:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What was the price? if it's to cheap then it's probably fake, but what does it matter?
2006-11-13 10:42:26
answer #7
answered by J3rn 1
You simply know
2006-11-13 13:13:51
answer #8
answered by Beauty isn't everything... 5
they give you a card of authenticity
2006-11-13 11:12:39
answer #9
answered by Cynthia S 3
just look the price!
2006-11-13 11:42:31
answer #10
answered by ♥beautyfly♥ 6