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Although i can't stand racists people,but i'd like to here other opinions though.So lets just say...express yourself...!

2006-11-12 18:43:16 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

22 answers

Shepard in the Land Of Sheep hit it right on the nose!

I am racist because that is what fools lable me for be honest to tthat which I see.

For instance : If I say black people are loud and obnoxious while their walking by being loud and obnoxious, the person next to me would call me racist for the truht I spoke even though he hears and sees the same thing I do.

Calling someone racist is a trained response to silence someone from speaking the truth about a certain race or ethnicity. Calling someone racist does not make them a racist by definition but it does make them guilty of being truthful in the verbal or visual ( by what they see) sense.

Racist is an old worn out word that has no more meaning or teeth considering it only lables someone for speaking a percieved truth. In fact , calling someone racist would often today mean in a sense you are calling them a truthest whom has no fear of speaking that truth.

Being a racist is most often being closer to the truth than those who try to diguise it by being appeasers.

But the definition does not fit the word because it makes one believe that one is racist because he believes his race is superior to another. Fact is that is not true. Most often people whom have been labled racist are often teling the truth. The word is desgned only to silence that person from speaking the truth.

Fact is , blacks are more racist than any group of people but that lable is almost taboo to try and attach to a black person because of false diverstity and appeasement expected unto them .

Anyone who says they are not racist or have never been racist is a liar. Fact is anyone who will not admit that blacks are most racist people on earth is a liar!

We are all racist. some of us are honest enough to admit it and hold no shame of the lable because it bares us as truthest who will not lie to ourselves or others out of trained appeasement and and fraudulent diversity . There is no such thing as diversity . As a white you are expected to be diverse to all other groups while yu are also expected to forget your own heritage and pride in order to bolster theirs. Diveristy is as fraudulent the alledged Civil Rights Movement. To admit the Civil Rights Movemnet is a failure would be to destroy your pretty little lables of white people and make them the word of truth and destroy the meaning of racist , diverstity and any of the anti's people love to lable whites with.

To hell with diveristy! being called a racist is confirming your honesty and should be worn as a badge of honor that you speak the truth. To be diverse is to be controlled and phony, and untruthful to ones self and reality of perception of what one sees as truth.

WE all hate something or some race, anyone who says they do not is a liar of the highest degrees. I love the racist who talk about other races and when in their company suck up and demean other people who are racist in front of them. They are the greatest of the hypocrits adn the greatest of the liars!

Quit searching for answers. Deep in your soul you know who the real racist are so quit lying to yourself and others. The real racist are those who are first to lable you racist because they wish to shut you up about telling the truth about their race or another race they have been trained to protect from the truth.

Being a called a racist means someone is trying to protect that race from the truth. That is lying and all liars go to hell. Be truthful, that is not racist. That is the only way you can help another race. By covering for them with stupid words to guard them against the truth , you are hurting them as a race and giving them the excuse to live the lie and to go on doing the racist things they do while calling others racist.

Royal" You are wrong that color comes from "UV" if that were the fact then all babies would be born "white" thereby letting the "UV" change them to their known race today. Do you understand how silly that sounds?

Actually Anglo Saxons ( actually Saccson from the tribe of Isacc, Saxon is a Judeo perversion of Gods real intent) are white in accordance to biblical scripture and always have been white from their creation. The geneology of Adam ( awdam) to Jesus straight through the chosen tribe of Israel have always been described as white in the bible.

The false pretense that all human life evolved from Adam and Eve is nothing more than a Judeo influence into christianity which should not be! When Cain slew Able God threw Cain out of the Garden and he said unto God, "But Lord if you send me outside the garden I shall be a vagabond and the "OTHERS" will seek to kill me." God said he would put a mark on Cain so that the "OTHERS" would not kill him and if they did vengeance shall be upon them. If Adam , Eve and Cain were the only ones in the garden then why did God have to put a mark on Cain so the others would not kill him. Surely he didn't need the mark so that Adam and Eve could recognise their own son! Notice that only the people in the garden were called "MAN" and those outside the garden were called the "Others" which in Godly words means the "others" are not included in the man scheme.

You see, Cain knew all to well that the others Gods was speaking of were the "other" races not included into the tribe of Israel or the man scheme for which the Bible clearly states they were white!

Quite frankly this verse alone kills the simplistic belief that Adam and Eve were the pregenerators of the entire races upon the earth and shows that this one race were created in Gods image and as God stated " for my own pupose " in the scriptures. God gave the "other " so-called races a chance to accept him and they could not so He had to created a special race which were first called Adam ( adamic race known throughout history as the Anglo whites) And blessed as Israel through Isacc ( actually Sacc because in Hebrew we do not pronounce the "I" and refer to Isacc as Sacc who later had a son and became know as the Saccsons who are the tibe of Israel blessed by God as the chosen race ( for Gods own purpose).

In the Bible by the descriptions of their decendants .King David , who was on of Adams direct decendants, was described as being "ruddy" and of fair contennence( I samuel 16:12 and 17:42) ( only white people throughout history have been refered to as ruddy, old military records always refer to whites as ruddy until it was stopped by Jewish intervention as racist)Davids daughter TAMAR was "fair" ( 2 samuel 13:1). Sarah and Rebekah, who were both described as being "very fair" ( Genisis 12;11,14:Gen. 24:16; Gen 26:7) The daughters
of JOB , one of the original ADAMIC patriarchs, were know as the fairest women "in all the land." ( Job 42;15) Solomon was described as being "white and ruddy" ( Song of Solomon 5:10) the NAZARITES ( consecrated persons) of JUDAH were "WHITER THAN MILK: and MORe RUDDY IN BODY THAN RUBBIES" ( Lamentations 4:7.

I could go on for more but you get the picture. Calling whites "white and ruddy dates back thousands of years". White and Ruddy was always the description given by the Government to white men. Even in old military records ( do a search) you will find all white men in all of history being refered to as "white and ruddy" from all of time untill the civil rights movenment which outlawed this form of decribing the white man

Adam and Eve was created while the "OTHERS" lived outside of the garden, and Israel was later lost ( driven to the CACACUS MOUTAINS AND LATER MOCKED BY CALLING THEM CAUCASION), we know this word ( Caucasion) by gods word is older than the word JEW. God said that Israels heritage was stolen and He would leave Israels NAME ( people, not some little terroristic state who stole the name and applied it to their land) AS A CURSE UNTO THOSE WHO STOLE ISRAELS HERITAGE and real Israel will be called by A NEW NAME ( ISAIAH 62;1,2)ie Saccson, and Caucasion.

So to say that all races evolved from blacks is nothing moe than willfull historic ignorance and against the word of God. I admit that blacks may have been befor the white man but whites in accordance to scripture did not evolve from monkeys nor did they evolve from blacks but were created according to scripture for Gods own purpose as the chosen race upon the earth. We were first called Caucasions when the Jews mocked us when they drove us into the Caucacus mountians where we lived on the steps of the mountain to avoid being killed. Later we were called Saccons from the chosen blessed tribe of Isacc ( pronounced Sacc in hebrew) and were the first christians upon the earth because we were Gods first people for His own purpose. All of the "others " denied God and shunned him and did not have the ability to know him as was created in us. We are Israel, ( not a piece of terroristic land in the middle east who stole the sacred name and applied it to their terror state) and all who bless us will be blessed, and all who curse us will be cursed.
that is bible fact and all will know it soon!

2006-11-12 19:21:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


Sometimes its obvious sometimes in the eye of the beholder.

Here is a question for you though. What is race. What does black or white mean. Actually not that obvious as we think.

By the way dont make the assumption all racists are white or anything.Dont assume that the superior race if there is one has to be whites either.

I've met people with racists views that were south east asian and asian too. Of course i have met more racist whites but ive met more whites. The only reason I have not met too many racist blacks is cause i rarely got to know huge numbers of blacks. The ones i did know were pretty well educated.

2006-11-12 20:57:40 · answer #2 · answered by rostov 5 · 0 0

I think a lot more people than you'd think are racist--that's including all races and colors. I myself am not, but I have known people who complain about a race but then when are faced with an individual and get to know them feel stupid for having ever thought negative things about them.

In a weird way, since political correctness is on the decline there's a new sort of acceptance amongst people. Now that people don't take racist jokes seriously there seems to be a more broad sense of tolerance overall.

2006-11-12 18:55:56 · answer #3 · answered by The fiercest: Jenny 6 · 0 1

I'm racist. In what way, you ask. Well I said one time on here that I'd only want to have someone of my own race and culture as a wife and the same for children, I'd want my kids to be of my race and I wasn't a fan of the "Rainbow Family".
Now for this it's clear that I'm a KKK member and I've got a Swastika on my forehead and I shoot minorities for fun. It doesn't take much to be labeled a racist on here.

2006-11-13 03:29:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Racism is the extreme inability to accept and admire a persons way of being. There is ignorance, self centeredness,fear and hate.On the other hand,EVERYONE IS PREJUDICE! There is no gray area. If you say you are not you are denying your existence as a human. It takes real courage and understanding NOT TO ACT and rise above these natural negative thoughts that don't serve your spirit. It is almost always something within yourself you are unwilling to admit you are. It is the moment you acknowledge this to be true in effect your actions dictate your character towards other human "beings"! So Really,Honestly how brutally competent can one tell the truth. What are you vs. who you are!. We are all black anyway, it just took some of us longer to find shaded trees or make straw hats... 25K years!

2006-11-12 19:04:32 · answer #5 · answered by mikey 4 · 0 1

I am of a few ethnic back rounds and i hate people but not just because of the color of thier skin just cause i hate people in genral! I think that EVERYONE has a right to be here every rase has put work into this country to make it what it is today and the next time i hear somone say why are they here i swear i'll smack the S$$T out of them!

2006-11-12 19:34:58 · answer #6 · answered by amanda b 3 · 0 0

Being racist to me is how badly do you want to show your @ss. More you want to show it, the more you act that way. Like I said "act". Most of the claims of racism are just that an act.It is an easy excuse when a person gets caught running their mouth. They then want to use the race card. Using racism is ignorant and a excuse in a lot of cases.

2006-11-12 22:00:13 · answer #7 · answered by lhm1968 3 · 0 0

A racist, by definition, considers his race superior to all others. Since I know a lot of white people who completely destroy Darwin's theory, I can't say I consider myself racist. I consider accomplishment to be the criteria by which I evaluate someone; skin color is not an issue.
By the way Kev.. that makes you a bigot, not necessarily a racist.

2006-11-12 18:50:23 · answer #8 · answered by weary0918 3 · 0 1

I would never ever say anything to some one about their race.. but i will admit sometimes I think omg why are they here this isnt their country.....and I dont know why i feel that way and I ahte that i do feel that way but i do...I would never like go like omg your black i hate you...or your from a different country i dont like you, im just more why does everyone come here.
but im growing out of that a bit more now...and ive totaly changed my thought because i met this indian women who is soo nice and i love talking to her, so yeah maybe i will totaly be clear by the end of the yr fingers crossed

2006-11-12 19:19:17 · answer #9 · answered by Leah 3 · 1 0

i declare myself Racist too, but it"s a feel of thought thinking that ones race being better than the other and looking down on the other party,
but end of the day, each and every humans, track back ur roots, u"ll know where u come from... So the feel of Rascism is actually an act of ignorance, like an empty vessel making noice.

When a white says white pride, it"s a colour gotten due to low UV, thanks the climate, pride must be gain through knowledge .
The blacks say Black Power, wat power ?

THese are just self declared statements, look deep in, shows no value

2006-11-13 04:51:16 · answer #10 · answered by Royal 2 · 0 2

Unless a person has been a member of a minority group, they would have to admit that they are racist, as our culture plays up differences (check out cartoons, the media, film, etc.). It's not pretty. A person in the majority needs to challenge themselves every day not to fall into that trap.

(Btw, i am a college educated, middle aged, white male, the stereotyped one....LOL).

2006-11-12 18:52:47 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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