I think they are.
2006-11-12 18:27:58
answer #1
answered by smarties 6
Italians are Caucasians. Like most countries of the Mediterranean sea people can have darker colour skin especially the one coming from the south of Italy.
2006-11-12 18:41:28
answer #2
answered by Angel Girl 7
Caucasia, actually is a place by Turkey..
Caucasian people from Caucasia are actually dark skinned..
I have no idea why the hell some fool started referring to white people as 'caucasian.'
Itallians are not only white..I've seen Itallians that were mistaken
for being black and some for being mistaken as latino,and native
american...Some are white, but some are very dark,some are
caramel skinned..all different colors..
2006-11-12 22:03:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Mostly, they are closer to Africa and the Moors occupied southern Italy for a while so they have some mixed ancestry. In fact, there are few people on earth who aren't mixed to some degree or other.
Race, as used here, is a more or less arbitrary distinction. All humans are of the same species (modern ones anyway) and "racial" differences are just local adaptations.
2006-11-12 18:37:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think Italians are Italians and since it's number 5 and they didn't put it apart of (1) caucasians.
2006-11-12 18:36:35
answer #5
answered by ♥Polita♥ 1
As far as I know Italians AND Russians are caucasians.
2006-11-12 18:29:20
answer #6
answered by Tiacola Version 9.0 7
They used to be, but they are right next to africa and other non-white
countrys so alot of them have mixed there race, keep in mind caucasian in america means white.
Spain used to be all white but now if your from spain your hispanic, you can be from mexico and be hispanic.
2006-11-12 19:14:00
answer #7
answered by joe b 1
Yes they are!
Included are many others also but the fact that forms require one to list their race are often ambiguous. Other of the Caucasion/Saccsons race include
Some indian groups
Those not included would be American Blacks, Africans , Mexicans, Jamacans, Jews, Arabic, Some indian groups, including Indian from India, and any mixed white with non-white .
NIGHTHAWK : That fool was God! your history neds some brushing up. When True Israel was driven into the CAUCACUS MOUNTAINS by the Pharisee Jews, they were mocked and called Caucasions by those who have driven them away. God told true Israel that since the Pharisee Jews have stole their heritage He would give them a new name and leave the name "Israel" unto those as curse unto them for stealing True Israels identity in order to make people beleive they are the chosen of God. After that God gave them the name of "Saccson" which was perverted by the Jews in *circ 1700 to Saxon. There true name is Saccsons. Isacc was given the promise of God and was to be the only tribe to carry out the prophecies ( no prophecies have been carried out by a single Jew). In Hebrew we do not pronounce the "I" in Isacc thereby leaving yu with Sacc. Sacc had a son and it was customary for the son to take the fathers name added to the word sone thereby giving you Saccson, Sacc +son = Saccsons which are the blessed tribe of Gods chosen people Israel.
The word Caucasion is as old as the Bible and older than the word Jew because it was before the word Jew was ever created. God know well that those the Captors called "Caucasion " were in fact True Israel, and those form that time on who called themselves "Israel" wree the theives of Israels idnetity and heritage. GOd said in the Holy book that True Israel would loose her identity until the last days, then it shall be reveiled. That time is now! Concerning Gods word we can then ascertain that the Jews are not Israel, and that those called Caucasion for over 2000 years are actually Israel.
Many countries have since that time taken on names of tribes of Israel. That does not make them Israel! Forinstance the land you called Cacasia must be a new country in comparison to history. I have never herd of such a country to be honest with you. Another exaple would be the country or state of Isreal. Isreal has always been a people and nevr a piece of land. But in 1948 this land of Judea stole the name of "Israel" and applied it to their peice of land they stole from the Palistinians. because they call their terroristic country Israel doe not make them Israel. It is only another piece of the prophecy and truth concerning that GOd said they would steal True Israels history, heritage and identity until it is revealed in the last days........ which is now. More and more so-called Anglo Saxons are comming to realize that they are in fact the Anglo Saccsons from the tribe of Isacc, the chosen of God. Its in your Bible , look it up..... the truth is there if you really want to know it!
Again, Caucasion has always meant white from the begining . THe geneology of Adam to Jesus Christ on to today show that they weree white by useing the word white over and over . If oyu want the geneology look in my answers and see the proof.
2006-11-12 18:50:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Caucasians are descendents of the peoples coming from the Caucas mountains. (Check my spelling.)
Italians used to be considered white, although a lot of the women have big juicy booties.
2006-11-12 18:36:36
answer #9
answered by negrito con sabor 4
Wow, one of the dumbest questions I've seen on here in a long time and that's saying something.
Yes they are...
2006-11-12 18:36:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
no they are not this is a very confusing question for most pple here....italians, spanish and french are in the latin group not caucasians.....but they consider themselves whites coz they are in europe.
2006-11-12 22:40:51
answer #11
answered by Anonymous