Like you said- lesbians do as you would see any couple do. They're pretty much the same. Do lesbians check out each other like guys check out girls? Well, yeah. Pretty much everyone checks out everybody else, in my opinion- straight guys, gay guys, straight women, lesbians. We all like to look at people we find attractive, and while there are different factors for each type (i.e. a straight man might go for the breasts or butt, while a straight woman might look at his eyes or smile) and certain people might not let the look influence their judgement of the person. And some might say that's true of lesbians- that they don't care what their partner looks like, but believe me, they like what get, even if it's not what a guy typically thinks is sexy (like a stocky butch girl can be a dreamboat for a lesbian who is into butches). Lesbians check out girls and their respective body parts just like anyone else. What they like in a girl is highly individual, just as it is with heterosexual people.
To your second question- how would a woman feel if a guy started hittting on her girl? Probably the same as anyone when someone hits on their boyfriend/girlfriend. Annoyance, irritation, and possible anger. I doubt jealousy comes into it, unless her girl is actually engaging in the flirting and looking interested. Mostly it's just 'Ugh, get away, she's taken, alright?".
Hope that helps!
2006-11-13 08:15:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well first I think it depends on her preference, just because they are lesbians doesn't make them any different when it comes to starting a relationship. As for the guys hitting on them I don't think that would make the other jealous since guys obviously aren't their type. Actually I think that would make her feel good, like "I've got something that you can never have". It's like if you were hit on by a gay guy, your girlfriend probably wouldn't get jealous since you don't like guys! Get it?
2006-11-12 17:17:46
answer #2
answered by cabonarakittie 2
Speaking from experience, lesbians look for pleasure which evolves into love.
Only a woman really knows what a woman want. If you really want your man to be like a lesbian, you would have to train him very hard and that could take years. Take me for example, I have been married for 5 years to my husband, and he still does it wrong. I am longing for just one night with another woman so that i can be satisfied the way i want to be satisfied without giving a lecture throughout the whole sex session! It's actually quite simple. Boobs is a comes with the package!
2006-11-12 17:27:59
answer #3
answered by natasha 2
When two women fall in love, the only thing between them is intensity, let it be love or jealousy...wht one woman checks out in another woman is just chemistry..physique is hardly of essence..since two women may have same body parts, they look for more which goes down to the depths of heart and soul
2006-11-12 22:46:46
answer #4
answered by innocence 2
Thank goodiness i did'nt have that last drink a few minutes ago like i starter 2. Now I'm going 2 do it. hang on. OOK?-- ok. now HA1 HA1 I was going to tell U that "what The Hell. U a quere too!." then I realized U a guy. Aucually I could comment on a little of U questioms. U C I'm straight. I have some so called friends that are Well ,,,, "gay". OK---+ i no girls that are not quiet right. Sometimes they , and most of the time, do nothing wrong. Wish I could at least say that about some of my comprades. ok? Now - and i MUST SAY THAT ANYTING THAT I SAY, From here is only my opinium and not the result of some positive collective thinking.<<<<<<>>>>>>> yes girls like girls breast. perferlbaby somewhat smaller thah most of us guys would like. next question. what dose a girl like about thre other girl.. idiot wake up. THE SMELL. haven't U ever noticed the smell of a pretty lady? Well nice pretty girls have a smell that only other girls can really smell. I no it's there. ok, last question.. how would fell------ no how would u wife feel I'f I told her that U belong 2 me and if she don't carry het ***. We;lll they have **** 2 pay.
2006-11-12 17:31:03
answer #5
answered by twisteditstrue 2
...i can only speak for myself because we all desire different traits in gf's...
...myself?, well i'm very femme, very lipstick,...and that's the type of women i'm attracted too,...of course,( just like guyz), i look at the physical attributes, i won't deny that,...but, most importantly is her personality,...are we compatable?, is she as caring as i am?, we have similar likes & dislikes?
...i'm not a jealous person, so it would not influence my feelings for my gf if someone else, as you put it, "hit on her",...i hope she would take it as a compliment, and of course, it would be her decision to act upon that scenario as she saw fit...
...i'm not sure if i answered your question(s) or not?, but possibly i may have given you a little insight as to what "i" look for in a femme relationship?
2006-11-12 22:20:32
answer #6
answered by tiny dancer 2
That really depends on the women. I look but I want someone for who they are not how they look. So it really is like straight people. Its all in what they want.
2006-11-12 17:11:45
answer #7
answered by Chris 4
They look for love just like anyone else.
2006-11-12 17:15:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
their wedding rings.
2006-11-13 08:40:13
answer #9
answered by georgeewert 1
A vagina.
2006-11-12 18:04:00
answer #10
answered by shawna_rda 2