I know this hurts tremendously. Sorry to say it, but I could not consider either of these people as "friends."
Three years of a relationship, and all lost because of one weekend away. No way could I trust that guy again. Be careful, diseases are real...your body is important. No telling who else he has had sex with. I'm not sure if you are sexually active with your boyfriend or not, but in essence, when you have sex with him, you are having sex with everyone he has ever had sex with and everyone those people have ever had sex with. Risky? Yep!
As for your "best friend"...she says a guy shouldn't get in your friendship??? She is the one who put a guy there! She knew full well what she was doing....AND did not care!
Forgiveness is important for YOU spiritually. Friendship with either of these cheaters is another matter entirely.
God be with you!
2006-11-12 16:12:22
answer #1
answered by Annamaria 3
The fact that you're even thinking about forgiving her blows my mind. I had a friend do the same thing to me and I found out from the guy and I never forgave her or the guy. There's millions of men in the world - she had to sleep with your boyfriend? Honestly it's an insecurity issue on her part that she has to feel she can match up to you by getting what you have. How would you ever be able to trust her again?? If you met a new guy, you're going to feel comfortable introducing him to her?? If she felt a guy shouldn't get in between your friendship then she shouldn't have slept with him... simple as that.
2006-11-12 16:16:47
answer #2
answered by Jonela 3
Tell her that a friend would never do what she did. Especially a best friend. Tell her that you aren't ready to forgive her. She should have told you first because she was your best friend, but I wouldn't be dating him either any more. You shouldn't forgive him either. ONce a Cheater, always a cheater. If he can do it with a best friend, who else is he capable of doing it with. Same with your best friend.
2006-11-12 16:37:23
answer #3
answered by t_marie_02 2
Don't forgive her or your boyfriend. They both fit better in a size EX. What jerks! You can't trust them!
"A guy shouldn't get in our friendship" is an attempt at manipulation. Friends don't pull that crap. If she were asking for forgiveness, she would have confessed HERSELF in a true spirit of repentance and remorse - not tried to guilt you into it.
They deserve each other and a boatload of STDs.
2006-11-12 16:10:00
answer #4
answered by TechnoMom 3
No you shouldn't forgive her, a friend never does that.You shouldn't forgive your bf either, you should break up with him, thats just wrong, and how do you know they didn't do it a couple more times? If you forgive both they're gonna do it again.You deserve better, someone that will never hurt you by cheating on you.*
2006-11-12 16:10:26
answer #5
answered by abelssexywifey 3
A guy didn't get in the middle of your friendship, her body and bad friendship choice did. If he initiated it then she should of known better. If she did then she should of known better. Your friendship to her must not be worth much to her, esp to use a line that no guy should get in your friendship.
I've been there and I dropped the guy and the friend.
2006-11-12 16:08:57
answer #6
answered by B 4
you can't forgive her. it will always be something that will linger over both your relationship with her and the relationship with your bf. as much as you might want to forgive both of them, you can't. you'll never forget what they did, nor will you ever be able to truly trust them again.
it's hard but you need to move on.
2006-11-12 16:13:12
answer #7
answered by nina 3
They ruin the trust you have on them...so I suggest you drop them both! they are not worth your attention!
They are just another bunch of loosers!!
2006-11-12 16:12:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
just start having a bunch of three ways...
no you shouldnt forgive her....
2006-11-12 16:06:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no u shld not at all forgive her coz she has betrayed u.
2006-11-12 19:50:35
answer #10
answered by abeeksha0307 2