We've been dating for 2 years and I'm finishing up my degree at the moment. We met at (me) 19 and 21. He has asked me to marry him twice, but never a ring. The first time he said it was a hypothetical question, would you marry me some day?
This past summer he was away working for a month and every night he'd talk about it. I thought the $ he was making at the summer job was going to be buying it. So, I brought it up a month ago. He said "yeah, I was going to but I wasted it all on games". He bought an xbox 360.
What would you do and if I need to talk to him again about this, what do I say? I don't want it to seem that I'm pushing him, but I don't want to be toy'd with anymore.
11 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
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We have lived together 1.5 years out of the 2 years.
15:45:44 ·
update #1
as women we spend most of our trying
to analyze what a guy does and what it " really means." The truth is it is usually very evident in how they act or in this case what he says. Marriage just isn't on the top of his list or any where close. But don't freak out because you guys are still young. The reason he talks about it is because he knows its important to you so he brings up the hypothetical situation so he can keep you interested without actually committing to marry you at this time. The problem here is that the women often gets impatient waiting for it to be the right time, get really pushy with the guy and end up losing him. Or the women decides she will just be very patient, never talks about marriage, and wait for the guy to ask. So years go by and the guy gets comfortable with how the relationship is so doesn't really want to change it, so marriage gets pushed even further from the top of his list. So if this relationship is worth keeping ,you have to find the right balance of not pushing too much, but letting him know that your not planning on being his life time girlfriend. It's hard to find that balance but it can be done.
2006-11-12 16:07:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
mayb hes not really ready for it, cuz if he was he would of been done it. I know a couple dat been going out for 5 yrs, lived together for 3 and he hasnt proposed to her yet. She tells him all the time she wants a ring but he hasnt gotten it for her....
his excuse is hes not ready so maybe dats you mans excuse also. try talking o him. But keep it in the back of ur mind that if he wanted to actually propose he would of done it the right way, not just by saying it.
2006-11-12 17:04:47
answer #2
answered by geovanna 2
How can you even care after the Xbox thing? Geez, even the "open-ended proposal" thing? What a stinkin flake this guy is, where were all the easy to impress girls were when I was dating?
He must have something you like, because he sure is making a fool out of you, sister, and you just keep sticking around.
2006-11-12 15:47:36
answer #3
answered by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5
Okay... I think it would be a good idea to sit down with him and have a real heart to heart with him. Be open and honest with him. Let him know how those events made you feel and what you would like to see happen. Ask him how he feels and then leave it up to him. Ultimately, it is his decision to make if he wants to be with you.
Also, you are not a gold digging ho and not all women want jewelry. I think want you were looking for is the commitment not the ring.
Good luck!
2006-11-12 15:50:33
answer #4
answered by Lindsey T 1
Your worth a ring so its worth the wait. Wait for your ring before answering the question marriage is a big commitment and you want to start it off right! So just be patient.Try talking about your plans.
2006-11-12 16:05:28
answer #5
answered by m_es_84 2
evidently he's not responsible enought to get married, if he was he'd bought you a ring instead of an x box.
girlfriend, you know the answer to this question, no one has to tell you.......
2006-11-12 16:10:17
answer #6
answered by Lace 3
This guy is too immature to think about marrying. Run for the hills.
2006-11-12 15:52:06
answer #7
answered by summersailing 3
You're still young and when a guy brings up marriage, it's no joke, he loves you, hold on for a while longer, he loves you too much for you to let him loose.
2006-11-12 15:48:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think you should say " I don't want you to feel like I'm pushing you but I feel toy'd with" Tell him how you feel, listen to how he feels. dont accuse. dont put him down. share feelings. thats what good marriages are about.
2006-11-12 15:57:56
answer #9
answered by dan_in_la 2
what's with women and jewelry... for crying out loud. its a piece of gilttering rock. Just be happy he's there for you... stop being such a gold diggin ho
2006-11-12 15:46:01
answer #10
answered by dustin m 1