2006-11-12 15:38:55
answer #1
answered by annc 3
Hi it seems that it was kind of your wrong in the first place for being angry, as your best friend might not know that the person she had became friends with is trying to ruin your life. If she knows this is going to happen, she wouldn't have became friends with her right? You might have to get to know the other side of the story, what your best friend did is merely became friend with a person, and its not her fault for being friendly. When she found out that you were angry she tried to reconciliate with you but you were too angry to think rationally, so i think its her who got hurt the most and not you. So now its only normal that she is angry at you? Maybe you should write a really long letter to her, and express your apology and then your thoughts and feelings in it. Tell her exactly what was going through your mind at that time (jealousy...?) or that you was scared you're going to lose her so you were angry. Tell her that you missed hanging out with her, and hope she can forgive you..and also, you might try asking her to go out with you sometimes..let say, to a christmas party? Say it wouldn't be complate without her or something. Then, try to make up with her at that outing. Good luck =)
2006-11-12 23:48:05
answer #2
answered by misseighteen 3
Uggh -- I had something really similar happen to me when I was in junior high. My best friend and I never got to be friends ever again, and there wasn't anything I could really do about it. It might end up being the same for you, but eventually you will meet new people. One good thing, though, is eventually my friend realized what a crummy person the other girl was. And, a few months ago at my high school reunion, the other girl who caused all the problems was really, really fat! I was secretly pleased.
2006-11-12 23:40:57
answer #3
answered by tsopolly 6
Hello! I also have had a best friend for now 20 years +. We have are random arguments or disagreements. We have found out to make our friendship last this long. Is if you can;t forgive your friend for the petty stuff. Then you will never make it through the big stuff. Another words, we just stay away for a little awhile. we didn't talk for a couple of years. Then we ran into each other at a store and now we are inseparable. Life is to short to fight and stay mad and also it is very unhealthy and boring not to have someone there even when your alone.
2006-11-12 23:43:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I know im young, 15, but im going through the same thing accept it was my cosuion. She went and became best friends with my worst enemy. ANd i was very close with my cousion. I think that it will take time to heal but you can pull through
best of luck
2006-11-12 23:37:58
answer #5
answered by ? 4
make ur way back into the crowd by becoming friends with the outside friends.
or u could simply say ur sry
or u could try and bury the hatchet w/ the person who took ur best friend away and then become friends with ur bff again
2006-11-12 23:38:00
answer #6
answered by qwertyuiop23 2
well thats not a really great situation with you ignoring her, and now her ignoring you. but my advice is just invite her over to a movie or something, get talking, and tell her your side of the story. maybe she will tell you hers
2006-11-12 23:39:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
just tell here what you just told us and also try to talk to that other person who was "desperately trying to ruin your life" and if she really doesn't want to talk to you then you dont need her as a friend.
2006-11-12 23:39:58
answer #8
answered by bobthetomahto 2
Push her away!
2006-11-12 23:37:16
answer #9
answered by Ariana 2