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About 3 years ago, I sorta went through a phase where I shoplifted. I dont anymore, i was really young and just trying to be rebellious. Well anyways, I was cought b4 but i ran out the door b4 anyone could take me. Now, 3 years later I feel bad everytime I go in there. I would never ever never ever do it again. Do you think its ok for me to shop there?

2006-11-12 15:13:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

5 answers

If you have a guilty conscience, fess up and pay for what you stole!

2006-11-12 15:17:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anarchy99 7 · 0 0

You will feel better if you figure out the rough value of what you stole and bring it to the store, plus 20%. You could also offer to volunteer to do some cleaning or landscaping. This will work best if it is a smaller, or locally owned establishment. If it is a large corporation, I don't know what would be the best thing. Perhaps a spiritual confession then a good long stint of self-imposed community service. Telling a transient manager about it might just make things worse for you than they ought to be.

The other thing is, only confess if you were really young when you did the stealing, like age 15 or younger. If you were older (and I'm assuming you weren't from your question, but I can't be sure) there could be legal implications. You can still confess if you want to, but you should let your parents know in advance so they will not be surprised and will help you through any legal situation that might come up. The store owners might be able to bring charges against you, and your confession is an admission of guilt.

This sounds very hard, but you will feel better once it is done.

2006-11-12 23:31:18 · answer #2 · answered by Singinganddancing 6 · 0 0

Kudos to you! Not because you stole, but because you have a conscience and swore to never do it again. You are a good person. Yes, it is okay to shop in there.

2006-11-12 23:17:45 · answer #3 · answered by s w 3 · 0 0

yeah, i think it's really fine...

nobody's perfect, people do mistakes to learn from it...
now, u've had your lesson...
besides, if u gonna live this life with full of regret, don't live this life then... it means nothing...

so, cheer up! u're not the only x-shoplifter in this world... (i didn't mean i'm one)


2006-11-12 23:18:25 · answer #4 · answered by b_r_a_v_o_13 2 · 0 0

You were young and curious.. that's not you anymore.

2006-11-12 23:17:15 · answer #5 · answered by Destinee 3 · 0 0

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