Show that he is a hazored to himself or to others. Which will be a little difficult, but you can. I am bi polar so I know what he is going though it isn't easy. I am not making any excuses for him. I was just stating. Try reasoning with him to go to the hospital. Tell him you know what he is going though the rapid thoughs, mood swing that are never ending, thoughts that are not too pleasant but that drinking them away just isn't the way anymore. You want him to get the help he needs. I hope this helps there is more to bipolar i just gave you the basic idea.
2006-11-12 15:21:33
answer #1
answered by tasha 5
First of all, don't listen to anyone who tells you to threaten. It doesn't work.
this is an addiction and it has to be treated as such. Here, it's a double edged sword. Your brother is lacking serious confidence because of his disorder so he drinks, which actually makes it worse. It's very sad. One thing you can't do is "enable" but checking on him is not enabling. It's simply checking on him, It's important for him to know that someone cares. if he felt no one cared, he'd probably kill himslef. Self destructive behavior is a very vulnerable state of mind.
I am curious as to why the rehab didn't work. Did he go to the same one?
He should go to another one. Think about it,,,, have you (all of you) ever gone to a hair stylist that totally screwed up your hair or you hated your hair?? I have and guess what?? I DON'T GO BACK. SAME HERE. IF rehab did not work for him, put him in another one. Not ALL rehabs are effective. The people may not be effective. Some churches work for some and not for others. You have to think about it the same way. Try something else. Use all the financial resources that your family has. This is a life we're talking about. He deserves it. He didn't ask to have the bi-polar condition. He didn't choose it as an option, he just got it and that sucks really bad,. Don't just dissmiss him as a result. Many people drink like fish and handle it better and we as a society do nothing.... they're called functioning alcoholics. Are they any better JUST because they handle their liquor differently??? NO. It's our attitude.
If he was abusive, that'd be another story. I think you get my drift. Be strong, step up for the family and tell your parents to be a LITTLE (A LOT) more assertive in their quest for helping him. Don't just go through the motions of "okay rehab,,,, blah blah blah." get passionate about helping him. :)
2006-11-12 15:15:29
answer #2
answered by Dr. Phil-lys 4
You have to get a judge and prove that they are harmful to themselves or someone else. Other than that...if they don't want help you can't help them no matter how many times you have them committed. I'm manic depressive/bi-polar and an alcoholic.... i don't take my medication and I still drink. I choose to do that. My family refuses to let me come back unless I go to rehab and start taking my meds. It has helped me in a way to realize that either I get better or I do it all alone. They gave me an ultimatum (sp?) and they have stuck to it. Sometimes the best help is no help at all. If he does pass away or gets hurt it will be no fault of your or your family. You can say that you tried. That will have to be enough.
2006-11-12 15:21:04
answer #3
answered by typ_52505 1
It depends what state you live in. Some states (at least Florida does) have a law where you can "Baker act" someone you believe needs help, which means you can call the police and if the person committed (against their will in most cases) and have them evaluated for 3 days in a hospital, then the state will decide if the person needs help or not and will monitor them. I hope you are in a state that has this act or an act similar. I believe if you google "Baker Act" you can find out more information. Good luck.
2006-11-12 15:12:58
answer #4
answered by Mel 2
10 years is a long time to be dealing with this kinda stuff, sounds like your bro, while he is aware that he is bi-polar, isnt coping and therefore drinks.
Drinking and bi-polar meds do not mix at all, they make things worse.
get him to a doctor, depending on his state, they can assess where they need to go from there, even if you do find a way to force him into a mental institution, which is a big step, if he does not want to be there, he isnt going to improve, it has to be voluntary.
keep supporting him.
My friends and i are currently getting help for a friend of ours who has bulemia, depression and issues related to innapropriateness on the part of her father, doing something is better than doing nothing.
Good luck to you.
2006-11-12 15:15:27
answer #5
answered by iluvherby 1
which would be "bipolar" and a doctor could opt to diagnose that. merely being moody or changing moods often, does not recommend you're bipolar. you may look up suggestions on the ailment on line or placed up in well being (i think of there's a psychological ailment subcategory). Singles & relationship isn't the area to locate solutions approximately it. sturdy success!
2016-10-17 05:15:48
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Keep trying to do everything possible. I lost my nephew in may, due to the same conditions. If he threatens his life, call the police and 302 him. Good luck.
2006-11-12 15:08:38
answer #7
answered by tinamaries43 5
wow, thats soooo hard. my mother went through the same thing. lets just say, now that shes off her meds, her and i no longer speak. maybe an intervention? seek professional help. someone that specializes in interventions. indeffinately, it is up to your brother, maybe he just needs that push.
2006-11-12 15:43:13
answer #8
answered by *never give up* 4
Intervention! Tell him if he don't straighten up he can say goodbye to all of you and that cell phone.
It sucks and it's hard but that's what you need to get through to some people
2006-11-12 15:06:49
answer #9
answered by armywifehaney 2
Sorry, but the only thing you can do is let go and pray. It is not your responsibility to do any more.
2006-11-12 15:07:38
answer #10
answered by Do What 2