wow, that is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard....he needs help!
2006-11-12 14:07:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Dump him.
You will always be second place to his mom. He will always see her as better than you in everything relating to the household and the family.
And with the naked picture. I'm sure all of us have seen our mothers naked around the house at some point, but I'm sure that all of the normal people out there don't have naked pics of her. I think this guy is a pervert, and if he is not running a porn site or mag or making porn movies at the moment, I'm sure he will be soon.
Do you want to stay with someone like that?
I'd say find someone else.
2006-11-12 14:09:21
answer #2
answered by Anna K 3
the viewing of porn can cause people to have all sorts of issues. Maybe he has problems related to it. You said he took pictures of other girlfriends nude too. He might have problems caused by viewing porn. My husband and I are finding out about all kinds of problems caused by it because he used to do it. We now know that it is a serious issue and can lead to many perversions and problems. it is actualy very bad for the viewer and has be proven to be by scientist. Check it out and talk with him about it. also get him some help it sounds like he might need some to findout what is going on with him. For now stay calm and talk with him about how you feel. let him know it made you uncomfortable and how it did in a nice calm way. I promise it will be ok. If he does to many things that make you uncomfortable then you might need to think about the relaionship abit more and think about some real issues. Like weather you think he might be capable of being a peeping tom and how you might feel about that. There could be even more things about him that you might not know he is into like looking at kids and things of that nature. There might be things you are too uncomfortable to handle and may need to get out of the relationship befor you find yourself being in a sexualy abusive relationship. I don't know if you know what kind of relationship that is but I will be more than glad to tell you if you would like to know or have anymore questions.
2006-11-12 14:56:26
answer #3
answered by desiree d 1
You are dealing with a man who loves gross thoughts and behavior. If he were to ever see the true nature of his present likings and behavior, he MAY be able to release himself from being in mental bondage to them. He needs help to getting to the bottom of this appetite, and eradicating it.
2006-11-12 14:07:58
answer #4
answered by ? 6
This guy has major issues..
some kind of serious sexual perversion, you know, the kind that needs to see a psychologist before it turns him into a monster..
Get him help immediatly, then dump him for someone who has a better grip on their sexuality and reality
2006-11-12 13:53:46
answer #5
answered by The Chesire Cat 6
That is disgusting, and I don't blame you for being upset about it.
Personally this is my opinion, you shouldn't let him take naked pics of you, because you never know who he could be showing those to.
But about him being interested in nude pictures of his mother is wrong. Being that your dating him, my advice is, to leave him. Because you don't need to be involved with someone who is that sick. He seriously needs help, because looking at nude pictures of his mother is seriously disturbing.
2006-11-12 14:02:27
answer #6
answered by Bryan M 5
Run!!! I'm sorry but that is not something anyone should be joking about. If it was your mom's picture you could just slap him but his own mom? There has to be something mentally wrong with him. I would run in the other direction.
2006-11-12 13:56:02
answer #7
answered by Big D 2
It sounds a little strange to me. I don't think I know any man who would enjoy looking at a picture of their mother naked. If he is looking at her naked, who else is he looking at?
2006-11-12 13:53:03
answer #8
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
Put it this way I wouldn't be suprised if he jerks off to her pick. That is weird. Obviously, you love this guy so you don't want to just up and leave without knowing for sure, so what I suggest is that you straight up confront him about this. Don't ignore it, what if you all had kids one day and he tried to molest them. You never know. CONFRONT HIM!!
2006-11-12 14:03:35
answer #9
answered by ProudToBeWhite 6
Yes you are. You are reading too much into it, I hope. You need to tell him that he needs to quit looking at his mother that way. Take that pic away from him, he doesn't need it!!!
2006-11-12 14:02:43
answer #10
answered by Sasha 2
Your call hon. There are issues you may not ever understand. Step out of the picture yourself.
2006-11-12 13:54:25
answer #11
answered by bountyhunter101 7