My mom always asked for some perfume or body powder because she would never buy them for herself so if this sounds like something your mom would like cool. Happy shopping
2006-11-12 13:01:30
answer #1
answered by Livinrawguy 7
I have the same problem with my mother. What I do is I get her each year for Christmas a photo album or a picture frame. One year I got her a camera and a small printer. The reason she like it is because she thought I was being thoughtful enough to get her something that she likes to do in her spare time which is photographing, and scrap booking. All mothers like photos. So try and get her a enlarged photo of the two of you if you have on and buy a cute little frame for it and give it to her for Christmas.
2006-11-12 13:47:24
answer #2
answered by Misguided Rose 5
What about a relaxing day at the spa for the both of you?
A basket with some herbal teas and scented bath oils.
Maybe an old movie that she really likes and some popcorn and candy to enjoy while watching it. And if it's a tear jerker, include a box of tissues.
2006-11-12 12:59:54
answer #3
answered by Karen T 3
Oh my god, do we share the same mother? My mother was the same way when I was a kid. I stopped buying her gifts, she asked me why and I told her, I don't buy for someone who is an ungrateful for gifts. As I got older I started taking mom out for dinner or asking her what she wanted for xmas and you know she stopped complaining. She was never surprised but hey she stopped complaining and she got what she wanted or needed.
2006-11-12 12:56:29
answer #4
answered by Pandora 7
Gift cards are the same as giving cash, which says "I don't care enough about you to take the time to get to know you."
For your ungrateful mother? Send her a card letting her know that you have donated money to a charity in her name (and actually do it, ok). Everyone wins!
2006-11-12 12:54:46
answer #5
answered by TheSlayor 5
My dad was that way. I finally told him that I was giving him a nice card and that was it, I was done with his negativity. That was about 20 years ago and it is still what I do. And yes, my sisters and brother give him gifts--he never likes those either.
2006-11-12 14:48:38
answer #6
answered by MUD 5
Nothing, she sounds ungrateful. It's the thought that counts but she, being the spoilt brat, obviously doesn't think so.
Spend the money on yourself, if she asks why you didn't get her anything tell her she's never liked the presents you've bought her in the past so you thought she's be alot happier with nothing this year.
2006-11-12 12:54:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
local craft stores will be full of Christmas gift items. Look around,find a project you might enjoy making and make it for her. As a mother myself .....Those are the gifts that are precious
2006-11-12 13:01:27
answer #8
answered by gotgoji 2
does she like books at all or movies? what about a tickets to a play and a nice dinner? or gift basket from bath and body works? sometimes if their never happy they just never will be unfortunately and it will have to be the thought that counts :)
2006-11-12 12:55:34
answer #9
answered by bella36 5
Well, to me she sounds completely unappreciative. If it were me I wouldn't waste my time but since it isn't why not make her a scrapbook of you and her. A mother daughter scrapbook of all your happy memories together. I would love something like that. I think any mother would. Take care.
2006-11-12 12:55:04
answer #10
answered by Jules 3