I don't think your husband being selfish is a reason for assistance, sorry babe. I wish you luck in your marraige!
2006-11-12 12:29:39
answer #1
answered by Adam 3
if either one of you so much as has a part time job on the books paying minimum wage, cash assistance is out the window. Food stamps if you have one or more children may be a possibility and worth applying for even if only apporved for say $100. in stamps a week. medical coverage is possible if there are children and if the income is generally low. the main thing they look at i think is rent/mortgage, utility bills, # of rug-rats vs income, and like i said it is best to not have any job at all in order to be eligible.
2006-11-12 20:33:29
answer #2
answered by Millenium Man 2
help is what you need just not from family services, families first, or food stamps. both of you need to start working as a family, if he is unwilling to or is unable to help learn that thees are two completely different items here:
unable to help: this is most common in younger people, trying to live just a bit beyond their means, or in other words: you got to many toys and can't afford them all. you both need to get your priority's in order and start off again, if this seems like we're asking or telling you something you don't want to do then your part of the problem here too, not just your husband. living from payday to payday isn't the way to live. I for one used to be in the same boat too, learning that saving up the money prior to buying anything is the best way to do it, yes old school, you find that after a few items are yours the day you bring it home will give you a good feeling too. try it at a small scale first.
unwilling to help: this one is the worst of the two, he is just out for his own needs and in time he'll be bring the both of you down with his life style. he's spending at the same rate as he it making it, what if you have a medical condition pop up and require a large amount of money of anything of that caliber? you'll be stuck in the barrel with out any choices.
money in a family works in many difrent ways, some keep it all seprate, some put it all together, some do it both. you neeed to sit down with your husband and find a way of controling your spending and work together to pay off everything, if this isn't posible you may need to start selling off items.
either way your not going to be getting where you want to be working this alone. if he is not willing to talk or assist in the changes you both need to make you may want to look at the end of the road, is this life style what you want for you and your children(if any) most will not not, stand up and end this time bomb. i know of to many resons to leave this selfage man you call your husband.
final words: I may have this all wrong and you may just be the sole problem here, if this is so you need to seek help, either with your bank, some do have classes on how to budget your money, or in books too(yep, it'll cost you money) eith way you need to better yourself from this way of life and after you have made the changes your thank everyone for their help.
2006-11-12 21:04:37
answer #3
answered by brian 2
god i hope not my tax dollar is for women who have no help and no working husband who has bonds!! he should find a way for your money and his can pay all bills and if he cant afford the truck then get something cheeper dont try to get the tax payers to do what your husband should be doing suporting his family!!!
2006-11-13 02:20:56
answer #4
answered by Msdeb gee 6
No you cannot get assistance b/cause you have to show that you both work(you didn't say you did) I assumed
All they have to do is put in both SS numbers to fine out, so don't try it,,,,,,Most married couples I know share everything....Who pays rent/mortgage. Phone, , water electric, Food?You didn't say what you paid and how...........need more info...
2006-11-12 20:32:53
answer #5
answered by mom of a boy and girl 5
hey jen when you appy for ast they look at your whole familey income not only your.so what i would do since your husband doesnt want to help you out with your bill and food marriage is surpose to be a 2 way street and if he doesnt want to travel down that same street with you then may be you shouuld find some one that would.good luck
2006-11-12 20:30:36
answer #6
answered by little_bear 3
No you cannot get assistance if you are married and both have an income.....you have a strange money situation.....are you 2 a team or what?...
2006-11-12 21:52:03
answer #7
answered by Lrn'dTheHardWay 3
Sure, quite possible...
Call the Public Assistance & food stamp angencies and
see what you can get...
2006-11-12 20:29:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The upside is you get lots of time to yourself. LOL. No...really you are under his income. Why don't you try to find new ways to lessen the bills.
2006-11-12 20:31:21
answer #9
answered by auntynoall 4
You will never know unless you try. Contact your local Family Independence Agency and ask them. The worse they could tell you is that you don't qualify. Good luck!!!
2006-11-12 20:29:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous