she is hottie
2006-11-12 12:22:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I used to think that Rachel Ray had a pretty good show to begin with, but the thrill is gone. Especially after I watched a couple of the cooking info commercials & realized that they were not only trying to sell something, they were actually blatantly making fun of her & it was a riot. The reason why I don't like her is because if you look at her long enough she really does appear to resemble a horse or is it an ape? She acts like one sometimes. Anyway, it is something from the animal kingdom other than a human. But more than anything else, that "EVOO" she always has to say over & over & then has to explain what it means shows me that she or the writers think we are all dumber than dumb & I don't' appreciate being spoken to in such a manner by a learning cooking show. How about a little humor. She REALLY only needs to explain this once in each show, not time after time. There are other cooking shows out there that are worse than hers, but several that are fabulous and put together so well, ones that are not constantly seeking recognition for their little catch phrases, that have some really interesting, true and very informative facts to share about cooking. They get my vote. I am sure I will get blasted for this answer, but the people who are really into cooking know what I am talking about. But, this is not about cooking at all, is it? It is about who is the hottest female in daytime TV, right? Well, I guess she is being marketed as a hot commodity, but I am not buying any of it. For hot commodities, I say bring on the female commedians. Let's have a little humour here.
2006-11-13 05:36:09
answer #2
answered by cola 5
Susan Lucci is the hottest on daytime tv
2006-11-12 15:31:51
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think Rachel is a minus 1
Kelly Monaco from GH is the hottest. Kelly Ripa is great too.
2006-11-12 12:36:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Rachel Ray? She always has her Sweater Bunnies out on display and they look like little Blouse Puppies. She would not make it at Hooters. She has a great show or shows though.
If you got it flaunt it, if you don't, don't.
Have you noticed Judge Judy. Now that's a babe. LOL.
Kelly Ripa? Now she can rip me one if she likes.
2006-11-12 12:35:08
answer #5
answered by smially 3
Sharon Osbourne
2006-11-12 12:33:44
answer #6
answered by frankmilano610 6
She is really cute in a girl-next-door kind of way. I have a crush on Paula Zahn though. Just can't help it, especially when she is standing in her super heels. Sigh.
2006-11-12 12:23:25
answer #7
answered by Isis 7
Amanda Bynes on What I like about you
2006-11-12 12:25:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
yea amanda bynes is lookin pretty hot these days on "what I like about you" and so is the girl who plays her older sister on the show
2006-11-12 12:27:21
answer #9
answered by BM33 3
tammy from guiding light is really hot
2006-11-12 12:26:37
answer #10
answered by mark b 1
tyra banks
2006-11-12 12:23:00
answer #11
answered by Anonymous