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2 answers

Do you see any high performance airplanes or centrifuge rotors made of plastic instead of titanium? I think you just answered your question. . .

That is a little glib, because tensile strength is only one mechnaical property (specific strength, hardness, etc). Stiffness is another reason titantium is popular. Pure titanium has tensile strengths from 250 to 750 MPa. Ti alloys go up to 1250 MPa.

If you really only care about tensile strength in **one direction** then there are materials. Heat treatment of carbon fibers can generate tensile strengths as high as 5650 MPa. Such fibers can be part of a plastic composite and nearly all of them will be less dense than titanium. Molecular weight is ill defined in such compounds and probably not what you meant.

2006-11-12 11:06:25 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Quark 5 · 1 0

Way to answer Mr.Quark!

2006-11-13 09:30:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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