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Like heating up table salt to release the deadly Cl2 gas which you can contain and use to destroy your enemies..and so forth.

2006-11-12 10:17:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

5 answers

try some physics ! fill a glass with water til its rim , put apiece of paper flat on top of water touching the rim and turn it upside down water shouldn't spell , if in doubt do it over the sink.
you may put enemy inside !

2006-11-12 10:36:40 · answer #1 · answered by 3z g 1 · 0 0

right here are mathematical experiments which could be carried out at homestead which would be used to assist the belief of introduction. those comparable mathematical equations is often used to bare the ALL mysteries of the e book of Revelations. 1st seal, a million technology = 4,000,000 years, there are 40 9 generations in each and each seal. 2d seal, a million technology = 4 hundred,000 years, 40 9 generations. third seal, a million technology = 40,000 years, 40 9 generations. 4th seal, a million technology = 4,000 years, 40 9 generations. 5th sea, a million technology = 40 years, 40 9 generations. sixth seal, a million technology = 40 years, 40 9 generations. seventh seal, a million technology = 2 an prolonged time, 40 9 generations. The prophecies of Daniel have been first spoken in the 4rh seal, for this reason 2300 is inaccurate it would be 200300 days. All written numbers ending with the observe "days", would desire to replicate the easily seal wherein it grew to become into first given as in Daniel 8:14, 12,11 and 12:12. Daniel 12:12 is definitely written a million,003,530 All variety ending with the observe "days" are to be divided by ability of a lunar 3 hundred and sixty 5 days, 360 to clean up all mysteries in Revelation observe; 40 9/7=a million day, there are 7 days in each and each seal. observe: Daniel 8:14 is a similar tale as John 20:a million-22, yet Daniel 8:14 tells this is reader on the coolest minute later that comparable day, Jesus ascended to heaven. observe: Daniel 12:11 tells this is reader the coolest dd/mm/yyyy of that age, the 5th seal got here to an end, after the Christ ascended to heaven.

2016-10-21 23:40:55 · answer #2 · answered by daw 4 · 0 0

Here's one my dad showed me when I was a little girl. You get an empty bottle (such as a 1 liter bottle of soda). If I remember, you put 4 ounces of vinegar in the bottle. Get a balloon (not already filled with air). Put baking soda in the balloon...I think about 2 or 3 Tablespoons. Once the baking soda is in the balloon, take the lip (opening of the balloon) and put it over the 1 liter bottle of vinegar. MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON'T SPILL ANY OF THE BAKING SODA THAT IS IN THE BALLOON INTO THE BOTTLE. Then.... hold the lip of the balloon to make sure it doesn't come off the bottle. Tip the balloon so that the baking powder falls into the bottle and Wah Lay.

The balloon will fill up with air.

I am not exactly sure of the amounts of vinegar and baking soda because like I said I was a little girl when my father showed me.

2006-11-12 10:31:03 · answer #3 · answered by i8nttellingno1 1 · 0 0

Whatever you do.....keep the bleach and ammonia away from each other! Unless you want to release deadly chlorine gas that is!

2006-11-12 10:23:06 · answer #4 · answered by Danny 5 · 0 0

Dip your wick in lighter fluid and light it with a match

2006-11-12 10:23:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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