Spells are part of witchcraft and practices of lower magics or indigenous magics, it is not something that simply comes from your imagination, there is a degree of knowledge about the way in which the universe works and how to affect the world around you by using energy. Someone does not wake up one day a witch, it requires a lot of study and practice, the reason spells work is not down to luck or wishful thinking it is down to the ability of the spell caster to affect the world around them, to bend to their will, without the knowledge and application of that knowledge through practice you cannot successfully perform magic.
The most important part of spell work is that knowledge, half the spell itself is in the construction, being able to apply that knowledge to make changes that are applicable to the situation. Spells that come from online sites, books or from others are what are known as 'mechanical magic' this is not magic and has about as much worth as going to your room saying random words expecting a poof of smoke and a genie to appear, just because someone says something is a spell does not give the words or actions any magical powers, that power comes from the practitioners knowledge and intent.
If you have to ask then you are far from ready to become Wicca, more so if your first thought on being Wicca is to cast spells.
To become Wicca first of all you need to study a lot, Wicca is oath-bound so without a teacher you will not be able to learn everything about Wicca, however you will be able to learn a lot about Wicca and information you will need when you become Wicca – for example Golden Dawn, herb lore, meditation, and Paganism.
There is a lot of misinformation surrounding Wicca, many say this is a way to determine those serious about Wicca from those who simply wish to become Wicca for fad value, either way you need to know enough to be able to tell fact from fantasy when it comes to Wicca – remember just because someone says they are Wicca does not make it so. You need to be able to take information with a pinch of salt and keep an open mind; a lot of people will take on misinformation and simply be unwilling to step out of that comfort zone to study Wicca any further so refuse to learn what Wicca is, instead believing Wicca is as they have been misinformed, you need to avoid falling into this trap.
Some reliable books;
The Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook - Janet & Stewart Farrar.
The Witches' God - Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witches' Goddess - Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft - Ronald Hutton.
Witchcraft Today - Gerald B. Gardner.
Witchdom of the True - Edred Thorsson
Wicca: the Old Religion in the New Milennium - Vivianne Crowley
Advanced Wiccan Spirituality - Kevin Saunders
The Elements of Ritual: Air, Fire, Water & Earth in the Wiccan Circle - Deborah Lipp
What Witches Do - Stewart Farrar
There are writers best avoided, however most books will have some useful information even if they do not give accurate information on Wicca, for example Cunningham is a wonderful writer, his books on herb lore are particularly good, however what he writes about is Neo-wicca passed off as Wicca, not Wicca, the same is true of many writers such as Buckland. There are far more questionable writers, for example Ravenwolf, Tatiana and Horne, who really cash-in on the Wicca fad and often give highly questionable advice and information, for example Ravenwolf is very anti-Christian, and this is not something Wicca embrace.
Generally a few things to watch out for are people claiming to be 'solitary Wicca' or 'Eclectic Wicca', sites or books that contain spells, people who use the spelling 'Magick' when not involved with ceremonial magic or numerology, any web site or person who offers to teach you about Wicca for payment, anyone willing to initiate you if you are under the age of 18 years old.
There are plenty of web sites, again there is a lot of misinformation but there are reliable web sites such as StarFire Rising, the best option when it comes to research online is not to do wide searches on anything unless you know particularly what information you are looking for, also join a good forum for Wicca or Pagans. Amber & Jet are the best online group to join, these are Wicca-specific so you can be sure if there is any misinformation posted on their group they will correct it, I advise you join just to look through the discussions and once you feel you are ready start to ask your own questions, because they are Wicca they can sometimes be a little blunt with people who are looking to become Wicca for fad value so you do need to be careful what you say and show you are willing to learn about what Wicca really is about.
http://amberandjet.spiralpaths... - Amber & Jet
Some reliable Wicca web sites;
http://www.cyprian.org/Articles/gardchron.htm - Gardnerian Chronology and Bibliography
http://www.wargoddess.net/index.php - Enyo`s Workshop
http://wicca.timerift.net/ - Wicca: For the Rest of Us
http://www.homecircle.info - Homecircle
http://www.starkindler.org/ - StarFire Rising
http://www.asiya.org/ - Asiya`s Shadows
http://www.newwiccanchurch.net - New Wiccan Church International
http://members.tripod.com/~Moonpfyr/gardnerian.html - Gardnerian Tradition
I recommend you read the New Wiccan Church International's advice to Seekers, Seekers are people who are 'Seeking' a coven to join in order to become Wicca, so generally people who are wishing to become Wicca.
When you are ready it is then time to find a coven, many covens keep themselves to themselves either because they are not looking for new initiates or because they get tired of people asking them to take them into their coven. Wicca do however tend to keep a foot in the door when it comes to local pagan communities so moots are good places to start, it also gives you a feel for any problems locally such as false covens.
You can look on the likes of Witchvox for public circles and covens, however just because someone claims to be Wicca does not make it so – I have honestly known someone who was within a coven for many years before she found out they were not actually Wicca. You need to have the ability to tell the difference between Wicca, Neo-wicca, Pagan, Fluffy bunny and outright wrong, when you know that then usually you can find a coven far easier. Some people do find that there are no covens I their area, if that is the case for you then you need to make a decision as to whether you want to try looking elsewhere for a coven, or convert to something like Neo-wicca or go into wider Paganism.
2006-11-12 12:03:07
answer #1
answered by Kasha 7
Why do you want to be a Wiccan? If its because of the spells then forget it. Magick is only a small part of Wicca. You should join Wicca because of what you believe not because you want to practice magick. You can practice magick whether you are a Wiccan or not. But if you are joining for the right reasons then go for it.
You need to be very careful when learning any form of magick. Before you even try it you should study and prepare for months. Make sure you understand the laws of magick or you will get burned. You can start learning either from a live/online teacher or from books.
Good Luck
-Wiccan Teen)O(
P.S. Oh and yes Wiccans do come online from time to time even though we live in forrests and are stiil running on Windows95 (kidding) ;)
2006-11-12 10:20:03
answer #2
answered by Seeker 3
Good to meet you... i have been trying to find the same for some time now... all the effects of fantasy books and movies... a lot of people have told me to come out to the real world... i have visited some sites where they make members for wiccan (not too sure what it means)... but my friend... let me tell you one thing.. what ever others say... MAGIC does exists - but the only trouble is that the people who can do it and are capable of helping others are not the types who will come ONLINE. they live in their own small world and are not very tech-savvy. I have heard a lot about such people, but have no way of contacting them. One day, i will definitely find out more about it and would love to share it with world.... All the best to you... dont give up... u will meet more like yourself...
2006-11-12 10:16:45
answer #3
answered by kats 1
Ok, you started a post to Wiccans about wanting to do magik and cast spells and only tacked on the "want to be wiccan" thing later.
That tells me you have no intention of being wiccan or of treating this with the seriousness it deserves. So, rather than helping you play your favorite game of the month, I won't do it.
You're obviously not responsible enough to be taught something as serious as magik. When you can finally start treating it with the respect it deserves, then come back and we'll talk.
2006-11-12 17:20:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
my little fairy wanna be child,you have lots to learn on casting magick.you just dont pick up some candles and say hocus pocus and than poof the spell that you cast comes true!magick is an art,a talent,a discover.you have to discover magick.and another thing that people are thinking about magick is the fact that we witches can cast spells with a touch of our wands and than bring money to people or bring love into someones life or whatever.that is not where magick comes from.notice that i put the "k" in front of the "c".there is the point if you can catch it.the point of it is that magic is totally different from magick.the type of magick that we witches practice is to connect with the devine source of our universe.and with that i mean by becoming close with them.magick is totally different from what you are thinking about.first,you need to study the meanings of Wicca.i have put some sites for you to check out.please PLEASE read them carefully!THEY are very important for you to understand!
blessed be with much knowledge to you from the Goddess,
Ostara Witch
love and peace
2006-11-12 15:14:44
answer #5
answered by )O(THE DARK WITCH)O( 1
WICCAN literally MEANS WISE ONE. you find a white energy wiccan and learn. there are so called schools that say they teach you things like that. the fact is we are all born with the knowledge of magic in the good form. you can also get books that teach you just be very careful because of the dark magic( evil) remember never enforce you will on someone else. anything you do bad comes back at you 10 times as bad and the good you do comes back 3 times as good to you. if you feel evil just imagine you are a mirror and reflect it back to them so that they may learn a lesson. take any negative energy and see it as a black ball then see yourself sending white light around it and threw it until it disintegrates. you can cleanse negativity by burning sage and then bring positive energy by burning frankincense and Muir.
2006-11-12 10:15:27
answer #6
answered by chwcs 2
I can't tell you how to cast a spell. All I can tell you is to be very careful when you cast a spell. According to Wiccan laws anything you cast out will come back to you in the fold of three, meaning three times.
So be very careful. Also Wiccanism is a very serious religion, if your soul purpose is to practise witch craft then please do not follow this religion. Wiccanism is about honoring nature not about majic.
2006-11-12 10:27:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
hi...you can try a metaphysical book store and buy a wiccan book of spells. the people that run those stores are usually really helpful and can give you some guidance. good luck on your journey.
2006-11-12 16:42:28
answer #8
answered by ss 1
spellcraft and witchcraft is a religion. spells are Prayers.
it is not something to play with because it is interresting.
it is a lot of study and patience.
you will not get any visible effects, (forget anything that you see on a movie or on tv.)
if you still want to know more, check out
witchvox.com it will put you on the path.
any more questions e-mail me
2006-11-12 11:31:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ok, so cast a spell on yourself...that you will bring home straight "A"'s for the rest of your life, and you will promise to help the 500,000 children who are waiting for adopting familes.....and some have been in 19 homes by the age of 16....guess they really want your spells...to find them homes...and a real mom and dad...
.so put your spell to great use...ok?
So when this happens, let us know...then we'll believe you!
2006-11-12 10:14:13
answer #10
answered by May I help You? 6
its all fake and if you believe it you have been suckered well.
that is like saying magic is real....magic is nothing more than a slight of hand or creating an illusion for the eyes to see, nothing more.
cast a spell.......HHAHAHAHAHAHAH....turn off the TV more and come back to reality.
Next you'll say money just grows on tree's and you pick it from your back yard.
2006-11-12 10:06:47
answer #11
answered by Anonymous