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I've taken two urine tests which came out negative. I've also taken a blood test which came out negative. I've been reading in the pregnancy forums that there is a possibility of me still being pregnant cuz those test are not 100% accurate. I do have some symptoms like swollen/tender breasts, fatigue,nausea, backaches,frequent urination,food cravings. Even my tummy is big...people touch it and they say it feels hard. But the thing is that in October I was bleeding for 3 days and it was brownish. Now the first week of November I bled too for 5 days and it was light red. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else or knows a friend? Could there be a possibility of being pregnant?

2006-11-12 06:43:21 · 9 answers · asked by perfectly_unperfect5 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

9 answers

Your mind is probably playing tricks with you that happened to me before worrying and thinkng that i was pregnant and had all the symptoms but come to find out i wasn't so you probably arent

2006-11-12 06:47:56 · answer #1 · answered by ~*EshaBoo*~ 2 · 0 1

It is extremely rare for you to take a blood test and it be negative if your pregnant. It can happen, though. I was discussing with a lady in the checkout line one day (while I was pregnant) and she said her DIL has periods and her blood tests were negative, but the ultrasound confirmed that she was 5 months pregnant.

You definitely need to see a doctor and find out rather you are or not. There could be a host of other things going on with your body.

2006-11-12 06:52:18 · answer #2 · answered by Sherral 3 · 0 1

If you took a blood test you are not pregnant, those detect pregnancy more accurately than home pregnancy test.

2006-11-12 06:51:40 · answer #3 · answered by Babygirl22 1 · 0 1

i think youre being paranoid. i sometimes do the same thing you are doing, and every time i end up not being pregnant, so don't worry

2006-11-12 06:51:11 · answer #4 · answered by bluestar 3 · 0 0

I vote not pregnant

2006-11-12 06:51:41 · answer #5 · answered by GUNNSLINGER 3 · 1 0

can you go back to your doc explain it just like your ? and ask for an Ultra sound

2006-11-12 06:51:03 · answer #6 · answered by waiting for baby 6 · 0 1

Ever heard of a DOCTOR!!!

2006-11-12 06:50:53 · answer #7 · answered by Andrew B. 4 · 0 0

I don't think you are pregnant.

2006-11-12 06:45:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2006-11-12 07:47:19 · answer #9 · answered by ♥ღαмαиdα♥ღ 7 · 0 1

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