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I've tried Apple support with no progress. I'm trying to access my files on my work's server using my new MacBook Pro. However, all the files are listed but they keep coming up as a "alias". Is there a setting that is just not selected so that the alias turns into the actual file? I'm the only Mac on the server (which supports Mac), so no one at work (all PC people) can help me.

2006-11-12 06:22:47 · 2 answers · asked by treenotforest 2 in Computers & Internet Computer Networking

2 answers

sad to say, but you have essentially shot yourself in the foot by buying a Mac if you are the only Mac user on your work's business network ... check with the system administrator, since he is providing the Mac support, he should know how to resolve your issue. ... Buying a system that handicaps you at work is one quick way of making yourself expendable, not recommended and it wont endear you to anyone that has to share files with you or support your O/S when everyone else is using PC's

2006-11-12 21:14:37 · answer #1 · answered by casurfwatcher 6 · 0 0

Oh, the shame of some people who just want to tell you that Mac is useless instead of helping you.

I don't understand the problem but maybe you are not able to copy a file from a server drive? That is usually associated with write privileges. Can you open a file that is on the server and read it? Then your user account, as it is set up on the server, is assigned read-only privileges. It's not a problem with your Mac. Ask someone to help you try signing onto the server with another user account name and password. If you can copy files fine with another login, that proves your user account is not set correctly for write privileges.

2006-11-13 23:54:47 · answer #2 · answered by SilverTonguedDevil 7 · 0 0

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