Go for it, what ever makes you happy. If you don't, and you end up in a relationship that does not satisfy you, you will regret not figuring it all out when you was free to do so.
2006-11-12 05:27:49
answer #1
answered by catywhumpass 5
i am not sure what you want to try, but if you have a boyfriend that is wiling to experiment with you in a safe manner, use protection like condoms and all that, because some people do sleep around and you want to protect yourself, then go for it
maybe add some details to what you are interested in and i could add a better piece of advice for you, because i am not quite sure how to help you out
2006-11-12 13:57:21
answer #2
answered by BOOYAH 3
It all depends if you want to or not. I do not see asking a bunch of random strangers, such as myself, if you should or not. I can sit here and say all day long go for it, but I do not know how you really feel deep down inside. You have to ask yourself why, if you do, want to mess around with another guy.
If you want to, find that right person to try it with.
If deep down inside if you do not, well no love lost there.
But if you are even asking us if you should, that tells me that you really want to do so, and are seeking assurance, therefore GO FOR IT.
2006-11-12 13:49:09
answer #3
answered by Brad B 2
Experiments can be dangerous so be sure you are aware of what your experimenting with, why and what you expect your experiment to prove!
By the way what are you experimenting with, you never did say?
2006-11-12 13:27:02
answer #4
answered by Crampy Grampy 4
Whatever it was, make sure you have a willing partner, not a child, and be sure it's consensual. Take precautions for disease, disaster, etc. etc. In other words, use common sense.
2006-11-12 13:25:02
answer #5
answered by macguffin 5
Try what again? You should be specific.
2006-11-12 13:23:47
answer #6
answered by countryboy_ga1014 2
you should untill you know what you really feel. you should figure it out. there isnt any sence in ignoring your feeligns.
2006-11-12 13:24:12
answer #7
answered by gymnastxo8 3
if you desire it then do it if you enjoy it continue to do it. be true to yourself and what you want
2006-11-12 13:34:21
answer #8
answered by ? 4
go for it ....have a good time
2006-11-12 13:28:07
answer #9
answered by lex142 3
It depends. Are you hot?
2006-11-12 13:23:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous