no.. i dont think being gay is in the hormones or is in the genes of a certain bloodline. i think its all about the environment of the person that she/he is with which triggered her/him to become gay.
2006-11-12 05:03:03
answer #1
answered by Riz 2
Yes. And here is some proof that it is a part of nature....unless if animals "change" because of being molested or because of their "society".
from: The Research Council of Norway
For eons, naÂture has been prancÂing, flutÂterÂing and alÂtoÂgethÂer teemÂing with gay anÂiÂmals, proÂclaim the orÂgaÂnizÂers of the first muÂseÂum exÂhiÂbiÂtion on aniÂmal hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂaliÂty.
Scientists have found hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality in nearÂly 1,500 speÂcies, said zoÂolÂoÂgist PetÂter BoeckÂman of the NorÂweÂgian NatÂuÂral HisÂtoÂry MuÂseÂum at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of OsÂlo, an exÂhiÂbiÂtion co-orÂgÂanÂizÂer. The show, enÂtiÂtled “AÂgainst NaÂture’s OrÂder?” is to run through next sumÂmer at the muÂseÂum.
BoeckÂman said the project, drawÂing on sevÂerÂal years of reÂsearch by an arÂray of biÂolÂoÂgists, proves gay sex is in fact part of naÂture’s orÂder. His arÂguÂments echÂo the claim of gay rights adÂvoÂcates worldÂwide that in huÂmans, too, hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality is natÂuÂral.
Same-sex mating is esÂpeÂcialÂly comÂmon among herdÂing anÂiÂmals, and ofÂten serves to reÂsolve conÂflicts, BoeckÂman said.
“One funÂdaÂmenÂtal premÂise in soÂcial deÂbates has been that hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality is unnatÂuÂral. This premÂise is wrong. HoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality is both comÂmon and highÂly esÂsenÂtial in the lives of a numÂber of speÂcies,” he said.
The best-known gay anÂiÂmal is the dwarf chimÂpanÂzee, or boÂnoÂbo, one of huÂmanÂiÂty’s closest relÂaÂtives. The whole speÂcies is biÂsexÂuÂal: sex plays a glarÂing role in all their acÂtivÂiÂties and deÂfuses poÂtenÂtial viÂoÂlence, BoekÂman arÂgued, the usuÂal methÂod of solvÂing conÂflicts among anÂiÂmals.
“Sex among dwarf chimÂpanÂzees is in fact the busiÂness of the whole famÂiÂly,” he reÂmarked. “The cute litÂtle ones ofÂten lend a helpÂing hand when they enÂgage in oral sex with each othÂer.”
LiÂons can alÂso be hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂal, he arÂgued: maÂles ofÂten band toÂgethÂer with brothÂers to lead the pride, and enÂsure loyÂalÂty by havÂing sex with each othÂer.
HoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality is comÂmon among dolÂphins and killÂer whales, he said; with them, male-feÂmale bonds are fleetÂing, whereÂas male-male pairings can last years. Gay sex beÂtween difÂferÂent speÂcies is not unÂuÂsuÂal eiÂther, he added. MeetÂings beÂtween difÂferÂent dolÂphin speÂcies can be viÂoÂlent, he said, but the tenÂsion is ofÂten broÂken by a “sex orÂgy.”
As a soÂcial pheÂnomÂeÂnon, hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality is most wideÂspread among anÂiÂmals with a comÂplex herd life, he conÂtiÂnued.
Among apes, feÂmaÂles creÂate conÂtiÂnuÂiÂty withÂin the group, he added; this soÂcial netÂwork is mainÂtained not onÂly by sharÂing food and child rearÂing, but through sex. “Among many of the feÂmale apes the sex orÂgans swell up. So they rub their abÂdomens against each othÂer,” BoeckÂman said, adding that anÂiÂmals have sex beÂcause they have the deÂsire to, just like huÂmans.
“We’re talkÂing about eveÂryÂthing from mamÂmals to crabs and worms,” he conÂtiÂnÂued. Some anÂiÂmals practice hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂal beÂhavÂiour rarely, he elaÂborÂated; others, inÂcÂluÂdÂing boÂnoÂbos, do it lifeÂlong.
This ocÂcurs also among birds that pair with one partÂner for life, as geese and ducks do, he notÂed: four to five perÂcent of the couÂples are hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂal, and sinÂgle feÂmales will lay eggs in a hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂal pair’s nest. HoÂmoÂsexÂuÂal couÂple ofÂten seem betÂter at raisÂing the young than hetÂerÂoÂsexÂual couÂples, he added.
In colÂoÂnies of black-headed gulls, alÂmost eveÂry tenth pair is lesÂbiÂan, he said. It’s very posÂsiÂble for the lesÂbiÂans to beÂcome imÂpregÂnated, he added, though these inÂdiÂvidÂuÂals shouldÂn’t be conÂsidÂered biÂsexÂuÂal.
“If a feÂmale has sex with a male one time, but thouÂsands of times with anothÂer feÂmaÂle, is she biÂsexÂuÂal or hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂal?” he asked. This is much the same way as gay peoÂple ofÂten have chilÂdren, he notÂed.
“MoreÂover, a part of the anÂiÂmal kingÂdom is hermaphroditic,” havÂing both male and feÂmale sex orÂgans, he notÂed. “For them, hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂal is not an isÂsue.”
The theme of anÂiÂmal hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality, he said, “has long been taboo” among sciÂenÂtists, who ofÂten masÂquerÂade the touchy subÂject by givÂing it othÂer names.
He citÂed one sciÂenÂtifÂic deÂscripÂtion of matÂing among giÂraffes, in an arÂeÂa where nine in ten pairÂings ocÂcurred beÂtween maÂles. “Every male that sniffed a feÂmale was reÂported as sex,” he said; but anal sex with orÂgasm beÂtween maÂles was porÂtrayed as a domÂiÂnance, comÂpetiÂtiÂtion or greetÂing beÂhavÂior.
It’s time to start calling it what it is: sex, BoeckÂman inÂsists.
“Many reÂsearchÂers have deÂscribed hoÂmoÂsexÂuÂality as someÂthing alÂtoÂgethÂer difÂferÂent from sex. They must realÂise that anÂiÂmals can have sex with who they will, when they will and withÂout conÂsidÂerÂaÂtion to a reÂsearcher’s ethÂiÂcal prinÂciÂples.”
Animals masturbate, too, he observed.
“There are plenÂty of anÂiÂmals who will masÂturÂbate when they have nothÂing betÂter to do. MasÂturÂbaÂtion has been obÂserved among priÂmaÂtes, deer, killÂer whales and penÂguins… both maÂles and feÂmaÂles. They rub themÂselves against stones and roots. Orangutans are esÂpeÂcialÂly inÂvenÂtive. They make dilÂdos of wood and bark.”
2006-11-12 20:09:11
answer #2
answered by Nostromo 5
I believe some are BORN gay and some are born straight..
2006-11-12 13:01:48
answer #3
answered by brock 7
Most definitely. To those who are prejudice and close minded, they can not grasp the concept. But deep down inside, I truly feel I was born this way. I knew at a very early age, before i even knew what sex was that i could look at a guy and feel different, than when I looked at a woman.
2006-11-12 13:52:29
answer #4
answered by Brad B 2
We were all born in the image of God; Gay, straight and everything in-between. We all breathe the same air ; bleed the same blood we should be helping each other instead of fighting and not understanding who we are. together we could make the world a truly better place with out greed, envy and jealous and ignorance that separates most of us.
2006-11-12 13:49:54
answer #5
answered by Dan O 1
I truly believe I was born gay.
2006-11-12 13:06:04
answer #6
answered by Dark Knight 3
Nope, some people believe that they were born bisexual, some were born asexual, and of course some were born straight -- just as they are now. People are born a variety of different ways, and you should know that, as well as that people do not become gay.
2006-11-12 13:23:24
answer #7
answered by Rat 7
I believe I was born just as me. I'm female, and attracted to men but I'm dating a woman, and I am in love with her. Maybe I was born bisexual, I don't know. I don't think sexuality has anything to do with it, it's about who you click with. I think anyone can fall in love with anyone, no matter who they are, it's all about if you want to or not.
2006-11-12 13:28:53
answer #8
answered by Just me 1
It doesn't matter if I was born gay or if I chose to do it yesterday afternoon while watching Nip/Tuck.
I still pay about a zillion dollars a year in taxes and deserve to be treated as a full and equal citizen.
2006-11-12 16:06:34
answer #9
answered by ? 6
Everyone is born gay. You choose to be straight. ; )
2006-11-12 13:50:56
answer #10
answered by sparkz 2
I remember feeling attracted to men from the beginning. Whether it developed in the first ten years of my life for some reason I can't say, but I remember fantasizing about men before I even knew about sex.
2006-11-12 13:25:52
answer #11
answered by lex142 3