Craig just posted that question and to all you people out there who answered back and said that I'm a ****, I just want to tell you, you's don't know the whole story. Sure we met at the club and we were both drunk. Yeah we had unprotected sex. But I'm telling you that I never went out much and did not do this all the time. I was offering him a dna test incase he doubted me, not because I was lying to him. I have no reason to lie, expesially since he is the only one that I slept with for the past 18 months. I don't want to try and trap him thats why I gave hime the oppourtunity to decide if he wants to be in my daughters life. And yes I didn't tell him until now because I thought that I could manage on my own. Just for your info my daughter is 4 months old and was born on July 20th 2006. Yes she was three weeks late. I have already told him that. Plus I never asked him for money just support to be in her life. Oh I did ask him for some nappies. That was all.
17 answers
asked by
Pregnancy & Parenting
➔ Newborn & Baby
I'm sorry to thoses people who I offended. I'm just not in a real good mood lately.
02:27:23 ·
update #1
Quite frankly I don't blame you one bit for asking for his help. I have a 3 week old daughter and my husband works 6 days a week sometimes 7, 12 and 13 hour days and it is extremely hard and I even get a tiny bit of help during the few hours he is home. I would lose my mind alone. Sometimes I just want to scream. So I applaud you for even getting this far alone without losing your mind. Nevermind the financial part of it, just being a single mom and having to care for your child alone is hard enough. Good luck sweetie!!!!!
2006-11-12 06:28:57
answer #1
answered by addisonsmom17 2
u dont need nappies frm him or s**t
most men are like that
my husband cant bear taking care of the baby while i take my bath even, i found him leaving her on the bed and screaming at her
god only gave great baby love to a mother
all the father has to do with it is that he donated a sperm among billions he ejaculates every day, while this is the mother's only egg ina month that turned into a beautiful miralce, i hope u get what i mean
dont ask him to love her or be there for her if he doesnt want to, all guys are gerks and we know that pretty well
take good care of ur daughter and give all the love u can, u r all she's got
2006-11-12 02:29:47
answer #2
answered by morgan le fay 2
How are we to judge you about your life. I have read both of your posts and think that if the dad wants to do the DNA test thats great. This way you will know for sure who the father is. I wish you all the best.
2006-11-12 04:02:59
answer #3
answered by Rosey55 D 5
you should be worrying about your child and not caring what people are saying on the computer that you don't even know and will never meet. i am raising my child on my own and yes its hard but in all honestly you can understand why he is mad at you if you only had a one night stand and then just now told him you have his child what did you think he was going to do?? and what is nappies???
2006-11-12 02:31:53
answer #4
answered by parrotsarenoisy 5
i understand i didnt read his side but whatever some1 i know just had a baby and my aunt is having 1 the lady who had one is still a lil moody and i doubt som1 calling you a **** or hore on the enternet is going to cheer you up but ya i would go after him for child support tho you may be a really strong person unless you are rich and dont have to work you cant take care of this baby alone cause its going to need its mommy alot
2006-11-12 02:33:56
answer #5
answered by Nightchild 4
So be can be a man and have sex ...but not a man when it come to being a Father? What a ass. Its time for him to grow up and help support this child. Get a DNA test and go to court.
2006-11-12 02:36:56
answer #6
answered by broc1212 5
So you are responding to Craig's question so soon after? I think this whole thing is a joke... I bet in a half hour Craig's current gf will be on here making some comment. lol
2006-11-12 03:42:04
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Everything happens for a reason...if hes the dad make him pay child support...I know what you mean when you say you thought you could do it on your own...its tough. Who cares what he says about you hes just mad hell get over it. Goodluck to you and if he dont help you go to child support enforcment and theyll help you there! congratulations on your daughter!
2006-11-12 02:24:55
answer #8
answered by cutenwild1769 5
there are 3 sides to a story always Yours his and the cold hard truth.
Some guys are just scared by having a child
God bless you
2006-11-12 02:24:47
answer #9
answered by mick987g 5
I doubt this is even real in your last question you said you were married and how your husband made you feel you have one night stands and 3 week late babies????
2006-11-12 04:06:30
answer #10
answered by bellababi44 6