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My twin brother is gay, it has never been an issue, for our family until now.
My fiancee and I travelled to my grandparents home for the Thanksgiving Holiday week. we were met at the airport by my brother and his boy friend. Everything was ok during the ride home, when we got there, my BF and I were settling into our room, when he asked me if my brother was gay, I said yes, my BF asked for his engagement ring back, and called a cab for the airport. He said he could not marry a girl whose family condoned such behavior, He would not put his future children at risk.
Im devistated. I didn't think my brothers sexuality was such an issue!
what should I do?

2006-11-12 01:36:33 · 28 answers · asked by bopddbop 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

in the beginning of our relationship I did tell him my brother was gay, but It wasn't part of our relationship, or our life together, it was just something that "was", I didn't think it would affect us.
BTW we were together 3 years, and I thought I did know him

2006-11-12 02:31:03 · update #1

28 answers

You know what, your boy fried was SOOOO Lame.

I first want to say thank you for supporting your brother. You could have turned your back on him and been the same way. But you put blood first.

It has been said that females can carry the so called "gene" of homosexuality and pass it down to their children. If he was afraid of this, the he is a true bigot.

I know you are probably devastated, but he must not have truly loved you. If so he would have overlooked such a Minuit thing such as this.

And if he was afraid your brother would do something to his own nephew and or niece, he is again such a lame ***.

This goes to show you how shallow a person can be, always thinking about themselves.

I think it is best this episode happened now, and not after you got married, or went further in the relationship.

You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. Your brother, mother, or father should have nothing to do with it. They should all get along, but he should love you and not worry about your family.

2006-11-12 06:01:29 · answer #1 · answered by Brad B 2 · 4 0

euch this is such a coincidence:P My crush have this two followers who are twins, theyve been friends forever...Anyhow, It looks like your brother is not experimenting in my opinion. Has he had a girlfriend before? I mean there are some gay people in there who act very manly and it is a challenge to know if he is gay or not. Maybe he said ''he's experimenting'' because he's not comfortable to completely be himself. Painting your nails and wearing makeup is an indication of femininity, in my opinion. The fact that youre there for your brother is really sweet, Iread this post and I just went ''awww'' lol. Hope that youre brother is happy and you as well. tc

2016-05-22 06:56:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WOW, that is hatefull. And hard for you!
He seems to me very homofobetic, I mean, if you are together for 3 years and he breaks this cause of your brother. I can't find any other reason for this reaction. He might be scared to be close to a gay person. Are you in the position to talk to him, or doesn't he want any contact with your family now?

Of course it isn't either your fault or your brother's. Why should you tell your lover that your brother is gay. That makes no sense. you don't need to ask kinda permission of your fiancee, or the be responsible for your brothers sexuality.

In my opinion, he isn't worth to be with you any longer. If he has such a hate feelings I would not be with a person like that (+ I am lesbian, lol)
try to talk with him about it. If he don't want to talk to you, leave it. he is not worth

and I feel sorry for you, this isn't nice!!

2006-11-12 04:09:06 · answer #3 · answered by frenzie-ann 4 · 0 0

You don't want to marry such a close-minded person. Who knows what else he would be close-minded to. You wouldn't want your future children taught not to be accepting of others' differences, would you? Also, if he left that abruptly, he does not love you enough anyway. I know you must still love him, and it may be hard to accept now, but you are better off without him. Two cliches here apply: Blood is thicker than water and There are more fish in the sea

2006-11-12 01:46:30 · answer #4 · answered by cammie 4 · 4 0

Thank goodness that you found this out before you got married and had a gay child. Would he expect you to kick him/her out of the house and never speak to him again?

Sorry but the guy is a jackass. There is probably a whole lot of other issues that would have caused a similar reaction. You would probably been miserable with this guy in the long run anyway.

2006-11-12 04:34:04 · answer #5 · answered by hernandoguy 2 · 0 0

The first question I should ask is: Do you really want to have children with this man? If he can't accept the fact that your brother is gay, how is he going to accept your children for whoever they may be?

It looks to me like you got lucky, because this relationship ended before you married him. If you didn't know he was this homophobic, what else about him did you not know? Take this as a blessing and a chance to find someone who really loves you, despite your brother's orientation.

2006-11-12 03:25:15 · answer #6 · answered by Dopple 2 · 0 0

That's so sad. It's great that your family is so accepting, but I really don't think someone as caring and open-minded as you obviously are could ever be happy with someone like him.

I know it must be really hard to lose him so suddenly, but it must be for the best in the long run. Just think how unhappy you'd have been if you tried to make a life with someone who couldn't accept your family. I hope you can get over it and find someone better.

2006-11-12 02:19:15 · answer #7 · answered by JBoy Wonder 4 · 1 0

I am sorry this happened to you. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but you are better off. Next time you meet someone make sure you get to know eachother really well before you accept an engagement ring. I'm not saying this is your fault, but why didn't this man know about your brother in the first place?

2006-11-12 02:09:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This tells everything about the man you wanted to get married with.
And it also shows a good example of the crap that gays have to face.

This must be a horrible situation for you. But ask yourself, would you want to marry a guy who has these ideas, who thinks your brother is disgusting because he is gay?
You might try to talk with your boyfriend, to show him that his ideas are wrong. People might change.

Your brother must feel horrible too. It must be hard to see his sister loosing her boyfriend because of his sexuality. I truly hope he doesn't feel guilt about that, and that you don't start to blame him for it.
Many feelings can get hurt by prejudgments. Life truly sucks sometimes.

2006-11-12 02:38:27 · answer #9 · answered by Bloed 6 · 2 0

dont take this the wrong way but your fiance sounds very shallow and materialistic. i mean, he isn't marrying your brother, he's marrying you. and if he loved you really, he wouldn't have taken the ring back for something like that. your brother's sexuality has nothing to do with your fiance, and it's not an issue at all. there's nothing to be ashamed of if you are gay or straight or anything.

2006-11-12 02:06:22 · answer #10 · answered by ~Drew Mania~ 1 · 2 0

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