Celebrating 'birth'days? (anniversary of physical arrival here)
Each one that we acquire, puts us one closer to
fulfilling/completing (hurray!!!) our 'life' sentence in this physical reality. . .
Contrary to the untruths that we are indoctrinated with, from 'birth' -
This planet, with it's inhumane human species in 'control', is a miserable, difficult, painful, place to exist. . . (are we all in hell?)
always has been (even tho we are expected to live in denial of this reality, even rewarded for same)
and shall continue to be -
until 'it' -
like all physical 'things' that we perceive -
reaches it's end, and ceases to exist.
So - we celebrate each year 'completed'/past - as it marks one step closer to our hard won position of
Oh - and please notice that I chose to ignore (deny) your inference that 'older' folks are no longer useful for the society around them? Why discuss a reality that just 'is'? or expend energies to try to convince you of something that really doesn't matter? in the overall scheme of things?
Ever heard the statement . . . 'age makes all equal'?
Perhaps you'll eventually arrive at "old-er age", and then understand.
2006-11-12 01:55:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, we can see what your attitude to old people is!!
We are not here JUST to be useful to everyone else. We should get something OUT of life too! It's a two way thing.
2006-11-12 01:37:13
answer #2
answered by survivor 5
Because no one can say that we will be alive for tomorrow so, at the occasion of birthday we wishing the god for our future and thank him for past years.
2006-11-12 01:39:08
answer #3
answered by deen 1
Who is no longer useful for the society around us?
Is it the elderly? gang bangers? is it lazy people? people who collect welfare?
Not sure what you are asking...
2006-11-12 01:38:21
answer #4
answered by Cymbaline 5
i do not celebrate my birthday and never have, i do not celebrate christmas, easter or any other holiday that shouldn't be a holiday. i do however celebrate life and all its many pleasures
2006-11-12 01:38:53
answer #5
answered by Mr Rogers best friend 2
why did you opst this question twice?
2006-11-12 01:33:11
answer #6
answered by angel 3
i dunno
2006-11-12 01:35:10
answer #7
answered by flying_spirit2006 3