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first off...I conquered a fear by watching this movie because I HATE scary movies! lol

2 questions actually...
1. Did they really shave off Jared Padalecki's eye brows in the movie?
2. Did Vincent clip Wade's (Jared Padalecki) achilles tendon (is that what made him go down in so much pain?...sorry I know nothing about that stuff)

2006-11-11 15:28:06 · 3 answers · asked by Yanks4Life23519 7 in Entertainment & Music Movies

I know he didn't really cut his achilles tendon in real life...I was just wondering if that is what Vincent cut in the movie...

2006-11-11 16:49:54 · update #1

3 answers

It sure looked like they shaved off his eyebrows for real, but I'm not sure. (Remember they did that to Keanu Reeves/Neo in the Matrix, and balded him all over?).

As for clipping his Achilles tendon, I do remember Vincent slicing him somewhere and that's why he was incapacitated. The only character I remember for sure getting clipped in the achilles tendon was Paris Hilton when the knife came through the metal floor.

2006-11-11 15:34:01 · answer #1 · answered by foxymama1 3 · 2 0

no they didn't shave his eyebrows they have some type of make up stuff they put over them and make it look like they're shaved and no they didn't clip his achilles tendon he was just acting thts usually way they're call actors

2006-11-12 00:35:52 · answer #2 · answered by ♥~Jeff Hardy's babe~♥ 3 · 0 3

haved off his eyebrows

2014-02-18 14:01:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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