Ouija boards should not be treated as a game or for that matter testing to see if they are fake or not..
You are giving your intent to contact the spirit world, just by sitting down and calling out for a spirit to contact you.
This opens up a way for any spirits to contact you.
And sometimes not very nice ones.
Being Proficient in your ablilities to shield yourself and protect yourself from harm would be worthwhile ..
But also if children are reading this.
Remember others around you .. you dont want to bring spirits into your parents house either.
2006-11-14 17:26:26
answer #1
answered by A Lady Dragon 5
Ouija boards purportedly enable the users/players to communicate with the spiritual realm. I do think that spirits interact with this world to some extent- but probably not through a game you can buy at Walmart. I'm not overly-spiritual but I have seen things that would make anyone believe in evil. --I'm not sure about the powers of Christianity or any other major religion, but I do know that evil is real and spirits/demons are as well. My advice is to stay away from things like that BUT if you must play--play outside of your home because your sending out and OPEN ENDED invitation(which tends not to expire) and not all your correspondences (if Ouija works) will be positive.
2006-11-11 15:25:27
answer #2
answered by Jirospeeder 1
Spirits do exist. What do you think happens after your physical body dies? Spirits are the good guys........ghosts are the ones you have to watch out for.
Ouija boards channel the energy in your own body to allow any, and I emphasize ANY, spirit or ghost that is within you energy reach to channel through you and "speak".
ALL Ouija boards should be thrown in the garbage! The effect the Ouija board has is the same as if your door bell rang at 1 am and you walked over and opened the door without looking to see who was here and said come on it. You could be letting anyone into your house.
The Ouija board is the same idea. Once you open the channel you never know who is going to be on the other side!.
I do not recommend using them.
2006-11-11 14:45:04
answer #3
answered by plantladywithcfids 4
lol. No they aren't evil. They're no more evil than your car is. A ouija board is just a tool.
The problem is that this tool opens the door to the Otherworld. The spirit world. And most people don't know they need to close the door when they're done.
The biggest problem is that you can't control who or what comes through that door. You don't know if the spirit is lying about who they are. You can't defend yourself against them if you call through something that isn't nice.
It's not evil, but it's not good either. And since spirits aren't corporeal, you have no defense against them if they decide to be cruel.
It's just simply better not to play with it at all.
2006-11-11 16:01:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I used to have one. I threw it out because it was sooo weird. It was like an addiction. My friends and I would get together and use it on a daily basis. It would answer questions, (that could easily be verified). It told us that there was a fire outside and there was (small trash can fire at the neighbors). The spirit said that he died in a car accident and we aske him to show us how it happened. He said that he would, so we actually put two toy cars on the board and they moved toward each other and collided. It also told us that we needed to be careful of a car accident and we got hit from behind in the parking lot of a store a few days later. It got to where we relied on that board for alot of things, and then it started spelling out ugly things and said that they were evil spirits so, we got rid of the board. It seemed like it was trying to trick us into believing it was the same spirit each time but it wasnt. One guy said that he was a criminal and that he had done something very bad and that he hung himself in the county jail. He didnt say his name, so we couldn't verify that. I wouldnt use one of those things. Good luck!
2006-11-12 12:54:22
answer #5
answered by livingadream 4
They are not evil - they are bits of paper and cardboard and plastic, is all. And they are slow and boring. The last time I used one, it took forever to spell out a message. And then it was gibberish.
Look at it with just a little common sense. If demons and spirits really existed, and needed paper and cardboard and plastic to interact with the real world, then the CD aisle at your local Target store would be the most haunted place in town.
2006-11-11 14:47:40
answer #6
answered by Ralfcoder 7
There not evil, but it's not a game.
Bad things can happen if doors are left open.
I have one and I use it sometimes.
It's not a good idea to use it alone, if your going to use it, there should be two or more people.
There's a lot that goes along with the Ouija board, and if you don't know about a protective circle and the doors it can be dangerous.
The last time I used it, my friend was with me and we were about to put it away, my friend moved out of the circle but I still had my hands on the plastic piece (I don't know what it's called) anyway it spelled out: "You will be mine."
I haven't used it sense then, it was kind of creepy.
2006-11-11 15:20:46
answer #7
answered by bloodyakiko 3
i suggest, you stay away from those, I agree with "Angie, the Plant Lady". These things when released, they were disguised as "toys", harmless but actually they do. This is based on our family's experience when we bought one. We played it for how many times, I don't remember but what I cannot forget was when one of my sisters was somewhat possessed by what/who, but definitely, not a good spirit because she suddenly changed, I mean her personality, she was and still is a jolly/happy person but at that time, would you believe she almost committed suicide and our house was not the same like it's suffocating me, became dark like "something" is living with us at that time and I feel like it's watching us...Oooohhh, and to make the story short, we seeked spiritual help and we were asked to burn it for good and adviced us to have our house be blessed again and for us kids to have the sacrament of confession....just be careful if ever your curiousity will overpower you and i really do hope that you have a strong mind/faith to fight evils.
2006-11-13 00:28:45
answer #8
answered by ladyhawke 3
they magnify the small tremors in your hands so it looks like something else is moving the board.
There is no such thing as spirits.
2006-11-11 14:35:14
answer #9
answered by Mac Momma 5
The same as the bible
2006-11-11 14:45:21
answer #10
answered by Bob from Mars 4