You might want to consider cashing your check by yourself by placing your check in the cash drawer at the Quiznos you work at and taking the amount of the paycheck from the cash drawer. Once you have done this, I would definately quit since you'll probably get fired anyway. At least you won't be out the money?
2006-11-12 03:22:24
answer #1
answered by Hot Hot Heat 1
If I were you I would really think about what you are doing.
It is not very ethical for company's to inform their employees "when" to cash their checks because the money should be paid out regardless if the company does or does not has it.
If I am not mistaken Quiznos is a "franchised" business and I am not too sure if the laws of the land are imposed differently from private and public firms.
However you should do your homework! Start your research with the Department of Labor. See if you can find a section on their website that pertains to your situation. Or send them an email to see what you can do. Make sure you look to see if you can contact a DOL office in your state.
You should get legal advice on this to make sure this does not happen again. And inform the employer that if it does you will proceed to take this matter up in court.
God Bless and I hope all works out for you!
2006-11-11 14:33:17
answer #2
answered by ye 4
Workplace Fairness is a non-profit helping promote and preserve employee rights.
Once you learn that a paycheck has bounced, it is important to keep a record of your hours worked during the relevant pay period, the pay stub you received, and all documentation from your checking account that confirms that the payroll check was returned for insufficient funds and lists any additional expenses you incurred as a result.
You may first want to ask your employer for an explanation, to determine whether the returned check was due to an accounting error or bank mistake, rather than because the employer does not have the funds to cover employee payroll expenses. In this situation, the employer and/or bank may voluntarily agree to cover any additional charges you incurred as a result of this mistake.
Many states have laws which require the employers to have sufficient funds to cover all payroll checks. These laws may impose penalties on employers who do not comply with the law, and may even provide for criminal prosecution. In states that have their own bounced paycheck law (or if you are not covered by the federal law), you should contact the agency in your state which handles wage and hour/labor standards violations, listed on our site's state government agencies page.
Federal law, which requires that you be paid at least minimum wage for your hours worked, is enforced by the Wage-Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor. If your state does not have a specific law covering bounced paychecks, then you should consult with the Department of Labor and/or a local attorney to determine how to proceed.
2006-11-11 15:32:12
answer #3
answered by Dawn J 4
I worked at a restaurant once that was doing the same thing. Checks bounced alot because there was no money in the account. The business ended up closing. Maybe you should look for another job before this one ends up closing
2006-11-11 14:24:29
answer #4
answered by Tony G 3
First of all, contact your supervisor, if nothing else, you deserve the money you worked hard for.
Secondly, start looking for another job, do not tell your bosses and DO NOT quit your job until you have found another.
2006-11-11 14:29:06
answer #5
answered by di12381 5
I would most definitely look for another job and then quit. Also, they have to pay the fee for any bounced checks!
2006-11-11 14:27:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like your boss is a loser. I would seriously start looking for a new job.... But in the mean time try finding an on line job you like, you can pick your own hours and don't have a stupid boss who never can pay you on time....
2006-11-11 14:24:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Report him to the Quiznos headquarters and employee protection agency. And find a new job, he sounds shady.
2006-11-11 14:21:35
answer #8
answered by Pantherempress 7
Common sense should tell you that when your paycheck bounces it is time to get a new job.
2006-11-11 14:22:30
answer #9
answered by ebosgramma 5
Things will only get worse. Find a new job, then quit. ASAP
2006-11-11 14:25:09
answer #10
answered by Mustbcrazy 3