A shield and a net.
2006-11-11 12:43:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
actually not even all of them had a dagger and spear. they had different types of weapons, and armament, depending on what type they were. some of the types were meant to mimic ethnic groups against which rome had fought.
Types of Gladiators
Andabatae wore helmets without eye holes
Catervarii did not fight in pairs, but several together
Dimacheri fought with two swords
Equites fought on horseback
Essedarii fought from chariots like the Gauls and Britons
Hoplomachi were like the Samnites, but more heavily armed
They wore ocrea on both legs and mail or leather cuirasses
Laqueatores used a noose to catch their adversaries
Meridiani fought in the middle of the day, after the wild beast fights - They were lightly armed
Myrmillo wore a large galea with a fish on its crest, a manica of mail, leather or metal scales on his left arm, ocrea on at least one leg, a scutum and a straight Greek-styled sword
Ordinarii were the regular gladiators who fought in pairs in the ordinary way
Provocator was armed like the Samnite with a parma and a hasta, his opponent was often the Myrmillo
Retiarius wore a subligaculum and a metal galerus on the left arm. He carried a net, a dagger and a trident or tunny-fish fascina
The Samnite used scutum and ocrea on his left leg, a galea with a large crest and plume, and a gladius
The Secutor carried a large oval or rectangular shield, an ocrea on his left leg, a round or high-visored helmet, manicae at the elbow and wrists, and a sword or dagger
Thracian wore ocrea on both legs, a small square shield, a helmet, a sica or the Thracian sword.
2006-11-11 20:49:00
answer #2
answered by mikesheppard 4
A short sword know as a GLADIUS. That's where the name came from. A Gladiator was armed with a gladius and a shield. There were also spearmen and men who used a mesh net.
2006-11-11 20:44:38
answer #3
answered by ? 5
Depends on the type of gladiator. I'm not sure which one you're looking at.
Andabatae: Fought with a helmet with no eyeholes and on horseback.
Dimachaeri: fighters with two shorts or daggers
Equites: In early depictions, these lightly-armed gladiators wear scale armour, a medium-sized round cavalry shield, and a brimmed helmet without a crest, but two decorative feathers. In imperial times, they sport an arm-guard on their right arm and sleeveless, belted tunics, in contrast to other gladiators who usually fought bare-chested, and no greaves. At least in Isidore of Seville's times, the equites rode white horses and opened a day's program of fights. They started on horseback, but after they had thrown their lance, they dismounted and continued to fight on foot with their gladius.
Essedari: The name of these fighters derives from the Latin word for a Celtic war-chariot. Nothing is known about their equipment and manner of fighting.
Hoplomachi: Wore quilted, trouser-like leg wrappings, maybe made from linen, a loincloth, a belt, a pair of long shin-guards or greaves, an arm-guard on the right arm, and a brimmed helmet with a crescent-shaped crest that could be adorned with a plume of feathers on top and a single feather on each side. Equipped with a gladius and a very small, round shield made of one sheet of thick bronze.
Laquerarii: Tried to catch their adversaries with a lasso instead of a net.
Murmillones: Stylized fish on the crest of his helmet, a murmillo wore an arm-guard, a loincloth and belt, a gaiter on his right leg, thick wrappings covering the tops of his feet, and a very short greave with an indentation for the padding at the top of the feet. Murmillones carried a gladius and a tall, oblong shield in the legionary style.
Provocatores: Wore a loincloth, a belt, a long greave on the left leg, an arm-guard on the lower right arm, and a visored helmet without brim or crest, but with a feather on each side. Protected by a breastplate which is usually rectangular, later often crescent-shaped. Fought with a tall, rectangular shield and the gladius and were usually paired with another provocator.
Retiarii: Carried a trident, a dagger, a net, and no helmet. Except for a loincloth, an arm-guard on his left arm, and a metal shoulder-guard above the arm-guard, they fought naked and was always paired with a secutor.
Sagittarius- A fighter who used a bow and arrow
Samnites: Armed with a long rectangular shield, a plumed helmet, a short sword, and probably a greave on his left leg.
Secutores: Variant of the murmillo and wore the same armour and weapons. His helmet covered the entire face with the exception of two small eye-holes to protect his face from the thin prongs of the trident of his opponent. The helmet was almost round and smooth so that a net couldn't get a grip on it.
Thraces: Wore the same armour as the hoplomachi and a similar helmet, except that theirs was distinguished by a griffin on the front of the crest. Were equipped with a small, rectangular shield and short sword with a curved or bent blade. They commonly fought murmillones or hoplomachi.
If you want to know more, do an internet search.
2006-11-11 23:58:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Roman gladiators were armed to emulate either the roman warrior. or the enimies of the romans. both physical and mythical.
some were armed and derssed as a type of fish man.
the helmet had large bulging eyes. and they fought with a net and trident. they had no body armor
some were dressed as formors (ginats) and were armes with leather chest pieces and large clubs of swords.
the roman warrior would be given his choice of Gladius (roman short sword) and shield, spear, or javelin. they had no body armor
still others were dressed as bird men, and their helmet would have a bird like face, and they fought with short 3 tined daggers
and javelins. they had no body armor.
there are several others that emulated their human enimies and they were dressed and armed to suit the situation.
the ammount of armour used would reflect the gladiators standing in the ring. if he was given heavy armor it was because he had earned it through battle and skill.
2006-11-11 20:50:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Some gladiators had nets and tridents.
2006-11-11 20:43:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Shield and body armor.
2006-11-11 21:37:38
answer #7
answered by Mariposa 7
some form of armour maybe?
2006-11-11 20:43:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
strength and faith and the roar of the crowd
2006-11-11 20:45:44
answer #9
answered by STORMY K 3
2006-11-11 20:43:17
answer #10
answered by rosiejac 3