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i have a friend with a bad liver and i want to know if there are any supplements or vitamins that he could take to help his liver...

2006-11-11 11:59:32 · 8 answers · asked by frankysnewcolorpainting 2 in Health Alternative Medicine

8 answers

Hi Franky

Here are a few ideas to help the healing process.

1.Castor Oil Fomentation: to draw out poisons and flush them out of liver etc. In order to get rid of hardened mucus in the body, which may appear as cysts, tumors or polyps, the following fomentation is to be used:

Soak a piece of outing flannel or baby's diaper in castor oil, squeeze slightly so it won't drip much, then place over entire frontal torso (neck to groin and side to side). Place a hot water bottle (over the castor oil application) over the liver area (the liver is on the right side just above the waist). It should be noted that a heating pad is not too highly endorsed here, unless a wet towel is placed between it and the skin--but even then, a wet heat (such as the hot water bottle) is best. Leave all this on for 1 1/2 hours; the hot water bottle may have to be refilled with hot water several times, because it cools rapidly. The next three days, over the same area covered by the outing flannel and castor oil, massage in circular motion toward the heart with olive oil for 5 to 10 minutes.

The seventh day is a day of rest, not only from the fomentation, but every part of the program, drinking only water the entire day--and every seventh day thereafter will be done the same way. On the eighth day then, begin again with the castor oil for three days and so forth, along with the mucusless diet. the herbs, etc., until healing is accomplished. In the use of the fomentation, the castor oil goes through the skin into the liver area and lymph glands and starts drawing out the poisons and flushing them out, while the olive oil goes in and heals and rebuilds new tissue. This procedure may have to be carried on between six weeks to six months to properly clean up the system, depending on the case.

2.Dr. Christopher's Liver-Gallbladder Formula: To speed up the blood purifying process, it is good to have a good clean liver and gall bladder area. When the liver does not function properly, the bile does not excrete freely into the intestinal tract, and so it passes off into the blood stream and throughout the rest of the system, causing a toxic condition called cholemia, causing indigestion, sluggishness, fatigue, constipation, upset stomach, chills, vomiting and fever. Why wait until it gets to this condition? A combination of barberry (or Oregon grape root), wild yam, cramp bark, fennel seed, ginger, catnip and peppermint--will help relieve this condition.

3.Castor Oil: This oil can be obtained commercially and is used for the liver fomentation to open the capillaries of the liver. It is an excellent external healing oil for discomforts of windburn and is good for massage. But we never use castor oil internally or for a laxative. We often suggest opening up the capillaries of the constipated liver by applying a cotton or flannel cloth which has been soaked in hot castor oil over the area of the liver (on the right side of the body under the rib cage). Place a wet, wrung out hot towel over this cloth and a hot water bottle over that. Keep the fomentation warm for 20 minutes and then alternate with a cold towel fomentation warm for 20 minutes and then alternate with a cold towel fomentation for five minutes. Repeat the hot fomentation and then the cold. This can be continued for about an hour and a half. This has relieved pain of congestion in the liver and other organs such as the gall bladder and the pancreas.

4.Juices for Liver Trouble: Carrot-beet-cucumber, apple, dandelion, grapefruit, lemon.

5.Cayenne: There are safer ways to stimulate the gall bladder. One is by taking cayenne pepper orally. This has been reported in medical journals to trip the gall bladder reflex and promote the flow of bile naturally. As we mentioned before, bile is concentrated toxic material recycled by the liver. It acts like a natural laxative. The gall bladder (known in certain surgical circles as "the gold bladder", as we mentioned in an earlier newsletter, because of the tremendous amount of money spent on yearly gall bladder operations), is a reservoir which stores the bile for timed release into the digestive tract where it mixes with other digestive aids. When this organ is removed, the caustic bile drips directly into the duodenum and can cause duodenal ulcers. Dr. Christopher's Liver and Gall Bladder Formula, composed of barberry, wild yam, cramp bark, fennel seed, ginger, catnip and peppermint, can safely rebuild the diseased liver and gall bladder and help them to function normally because this formula is a specific food for these organs. The liver is recognized by medical science as a highly regenerative organ. it can rebuild itself even if there is only one-tenth of it functioning.

6.Juice for Cirrhosis of the Liver: Drink cabbage juice and eat raw or steamed cabbage.

7.Lemon Juice: Fresh lemon juice is considered by some to be the most potent or effective single liver rebuilder known to man. There seem to be only a very few people who cannot handle lemon juice.

Best of health to both of you


2006-11-11 12:08:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've studied natural medicine for 10 years, and I am familiar with things for the liver. The liver is an excellent organ, because it eliminates all toxins from the body. But when the liver is damaged, the body begins to build up poisons in the body--and usually the skin begins to look bad, and there is dullness in the whites of the eyes.

One of the best things you can take for the liver is Vitamin E. Vitamin E restores damaged cells in the body, and it slows down aging. It is an oil, and its non-toxic, so you should take high doses of it. Take at least 800 units(mg) a day or more (about 2 capsules that are 400mg/iu each)...But you must be sure to get Natural Vitamin E, not Synthetic Vitamin E...The Natural one is more expensive but it gives you 100 times better results...I personally take 3,000 mg/iu a day, and I'm in great shape.

The main thing your friend needs is a good cleansing. I highly recommend you to buy the book "Back To Eden" by Jethro Kloss. It has great, natural, old remedies for diseases and conditions. In the book, it tells how you should cleanse and de-toxify your body. With your friends liver being damaged, you must understand that poison is building up in his body--because his liver can not expel the poison as fast as you and I...They can do this by doing a 1 week Fruit Diet and also taking Herbal Laxatives. The fruit diet is in the book--you basically eat Nothing but friuit and vegetables for 7-10 days, drink lots of water and your vitamins...The Fruit Diet has given people miracle results--it is even used to cure people from Cancer. It will give him back a healthy appearance, and bright healthy skin that glows.

Your friend should also take B-Complex a day and a Mutli-Vitamin every day--"One a Day" is great. He/she should drink 1 liter of water a day. People do not realize how body needs water to elimate poisons every day. Water is what flushes out the body--it is essential.

Also, this might seem too personal, but your friend should make sure he/she uses the bathroom once a day--that is very important. She should drink lots of hot tea/hot coffee first thing in the morning to make sure they go first thing in the morning--and eat plenty of prunes during the day. When you dont use the bathroom, that posion gets back into the bloodstream.

"Puritans Pride" is one the best Vitamin mail order companies in America. My mom an I have ordered from them for over 15 years. They have the best quality at the lowest prices.
Good Luck

2006-11-11 12:27:56 · answer #2 · answered by Victory 3 · 0 0

Supplements won't do much if his liver is damaged. What he can do is a cleanse that tens of thousands of people have done and swear by it. The recipe sounds gross, but it sure does get all the stones out. Read the forums and frequently asked questions (FAQ) before starting, so you'll know what to expect.

1/2 CupOlive Oil Extra Virgin

1 Big grapefruit (2 small) (Or 3 lemons)

4 tablespoon EPSOM salts

3 cups water or grapefruit or apple juice

Here is the website with complete instructions and also a link to the forum:
(Dr. Clarks liver cleanse is the most popular)
Forum: http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=447
FAQ: http://curezone.com/forums/s.asp?f=73&ob=s&c=1&m=&t=150&p=0


p.s. when he's ready to get supplements after the cleanse, don't get them from Puritan's Pride! They are very poor quality supplements. Try http://www.iherb.com. I've found them to have high quality at discount prices.

2006-11-11 13:41:06 · answer #3 · answered by Earth Muffin 2 · 0 1

Also check out Swansonvitamins.com for good products at affordable prices.
I tend to favor milk thistle for liver problems. DO NOT ATTEMPT A GALLSTONE FLUSH ON YOUR OWN. You can get into some real problems if a stone gets stuck in the bile duct. This is a medical emergency and requires surgical intervention.

2006-11-14 09:04:31 · answer #4 · answered by Mad Roy 6 · 0 0

Milk thistle is what my friend's liver specialist told her to take along with ursadiol(a prescription drug) and a host of other meds. She has an inherited liver condition...has you freind been to a doctor? He really needs to go...advice from cyber acquaintances ais only going to do you just so much good. An actual 3-d physcian is what is required in this case.

2006-11-11 14:04:16 · answer #5 · answered by ronibuni 3 · 1 0

I would suggest that you buy a book called, "Nutrition Almanac" It gives good advice on supplements, herbs, symptoms, treatments and food. Its a good all around reference book. If you have a question about health, you will probably find the answer in this book. Its written by a group of doctors but the answers aren't confined to drug solutions.

2006-11-11 13:48:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Somebody already mentioned milk thistle. It's supposed to be a good liver cleanser.

2006-11-11 12:41:10 · answer #7 · answered by paganvegan 3 · 1 0

milk thistle

2006-11-11 12:27:36 · answer #8 · answered by conda 6 · 1 0

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