most people you can not see it anyway and every person is different every woman is different only for you it makes you seem more male
if you are talking about your voice
there are many voice techniques you can use
the easiest way to fine a female voice is to
make a little girlie voice then lower the pitch as much as you can before your voice cracks
and to also speech with more of a tune with a Melody
using different pitches in the sentence
lokk it up if you want to know more
2006-11-11 14:23:22
answer #1
answered by Zara3 5
You can get surgery to get rid of it for good, but it's a bit risky (like all surgery) and expensive so it's probably not worth it unless you're planning to go full time.
Other than that, you can't really get 'rid' of it but you can hide it with fashion. A nice choker will usually do the trick, but chokers don't always look 'right' with every outfit. A turtle neck or mock neck top also works, and anything that draws attention away from your neck will at least reduce the chances of people noticing it (so avoid flashy necklaces that *don't* cover it up, cuz that just draws people attention to your neck.)
2006-11-11 17:06:57
answer #2
answered by angiekaos 3
Wear a turtleneck or a scarf. I wouldn't suggest applying too much pressure to that area, as you could crush your windpipe and suffocate, possibly. Long-term the best option is to have it surgically removed. It's not that big of a deal if you go to a competent surgeon.
2006-11-11 17:52:58
answer #3
answered by carora13 6
some have a "toddler face." additionally, women human beings usually deposit fat in distinctive factors of the physique than adult males. For some, hiding the hips could nicely be very not undemanding. searching for breasts is almost ineffective in view that they make binders for that. oftentimes, women human beings have smaller palms and ft than adult males of equivalent top. Oh and you'll be able to additionally seek for the shortcoming of a laryngeal prominence (or adams apple as you call it).
2016-10-17 04:06:08
answer #4
answered by shade 4
Ask Ann Coulter; she's good at this question.
PS: "fish" is a derogatory gay male term for women. Keep the pejoratives off the site, buttmunch. Like balls smell any better.
2006-11-11 10:59:29
answer #5
answered by Heather M 2
a scarf or jewelry to hide the apple. also, maybe makeup to mask it too?
2006-11-11 11:44:52
answer #6
answered by cadaholic 7
Wear a cameo choker. In private, you should wear a collar.
2006-11-11 15:46:07
answer #7
answered by girlieboi1 1
A scarf or well applied makeup.
2006-11-11 10:56:31
answer #8
answered by kgreives 4
use a small amount of masking tape then apply make up over the tape.
2006-11-11 11:13:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
wear a turtleneck or a scarf.
2006-11-11 10:54:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous