No... not in the tradtional sense of the word.
The first setence at Wikipedia goes like this:
Imperialism is a policy of extending control or authority over foreign entities as a means of acquisition and/or maintenance of empires.
The USA handed off Japan to the Japanese at the end of WW2. We are more of an isolationist type of country with WW1 and WW2. American's and politics just don't give a darn about the goings ons of other countries.
Unless of course, if there's a compelling political interest, - like terrorism, import / export, or maybe oil. But even these fall under diplomatic / political realm. But the USA does spend alot of money to 'buy' friends. But these other countries are happy to have their hand out, -get free money, and send us a Christmas card every year for it.
2006-11-11 10:28:07
answer #1
answered by MK6 7
The American government would never admit to being an Imperialistic country. However, actions speak louder than anything. Think that something like less than 1% of the entire population of the U.S. could ever even "qualify" to become a nominee for the Presidency. This seems to have been true of this country for as far back as my history takes me.
It seems as if there has been no such thing as an American President of any Party who has come from a family that was middle class or even upper class. It seems that in reality, to be "Presidential Material", there is an unwritten pre-requisit that the candidate must be from a very, very wealthy family to begin with. Also, a connected one.
Therefore, as loud as they like to scream "Democracy!", the governing powers in America do very much resemble that of an Imperial Country. As I see it, the main difference seems to be that with a true Imperialistic country, it is governed by a monarchy. The leadership is handed down from father to son, etc... The Bush family is only one presidential term away from actually having done that.
With the recent Democratic takeover of Congress, we may or may not see any real changes in our day to day lives. Sure, Rumsfeld is out of a job, we have the first woman Speaker of the House, Buish's smirk has turned into some sort of a grimace instead, and other changes that have no impact on my own life, and probably not on the lives of many other people who are not directly involved with government.
Even the Democratic members of Congress, and of the Executive Branch of government have not come from working class families. They also come from great wealth. A Two-Party system, where each party has superficial differences, which seem to become more exaggerated around election times, but in the long run, do not run the country in significantly different ways is not a true democracy.
Although we have several other Independant Parties, ie: Green Party, Constitution Party, Liberatarian Party, those are the most well known of the Independant parties. They each have their own nominted candidates, their own conventions, etc.... but does it not seem strange that the only Political Parties who have their debates, their own Conventions, all the same things that the Democratic and Republican Parties have? But they are the only ones who are ever seen having their political activies televised. It seems almost to be instilled in the public, that either the Democrats or the Republicans are the only contenders. Whereas a truely democratic country usually has more like 8 oir 10 (sometimrs more) political parties actively involved in the race for leadership, and all with very different points of view and beliefs, etc....
You question is a hard one to answer truthfully, expecially only knowing what I see as a political "outsider". But, the answer they are probably looking for from you is, "no". But again, it's not so cut an dried.
2006-11-11 11:36:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
To quote John Lennon, "America is the new Roman Empire and New York is Rome herself". Yes it is an imperial power that imposes it's cultural values on the rest of us, it is high time that the more mature nations put her back in her place. Unfortunately due to the US's lack of conscience and decency this is a difficult thing to do, but hopefully soon you can get back to eating fast food and watching "friends" and leave the rest of the world to get on with cutural and scentific pursuits.
2006-11-11 13:26:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
NO, We haven't taken over any countries and Imposed
our rule of law on them and we do not have any colonies anywhere and the USA does not have a dictatorship type of government!!!! Do a yahoo Search on Imperialist countries in the world and see what you come up with or
Google it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-11-11 10:56:00
answer #4
answered by Vagabond5879 7
Only an idiot would believe that America is an Imperialist Country.
Well, an America Hater could believe it.
2006-11-11 10:29:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They were heading in that direction as late as last Tuesday morning. But they are at a fork in the road today. Give it a month or two to see which fork they take.
2006-11-11 10:27:34
answer #6
answered by nemesis 4
mk6 hits it close to the mark,and if you use that dont expect high marks from the mostly socialistic teachers of this time
2006-11-11 10:53:37
answer #7
answered by stygianwolfe 7
We seem to have nipped that in the bud. Amercan's have sent a message to those who forgot who was in charge. Thanks to all who voted and reminded them Democracy is alive and well!!!
2006-11-11 10:35:42
answer #8
answered by djmantx 7