I love a guy who can express himself by wearing whatever clothes he want.
As long as you have got the body type for it, guys in chick pants are sexxy.
People who mess with you and make fun of you are just jealous that they either can't get away with it, or don't have the cojones.(balls)
Keep rocking those pants man!!!
2006-11-11 09:29:30
answer #1
answered by Vivi Raymaker 3
Personally I say do what works for you dude. I know a few guys that wear chick jeans and it works for them, so if it works for you do it. Don't worry too much about what others think.
2016-05-22 05:52:24
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I dont see ANYTHING wrong with it at all!I see girls wearing guys clothes all the time.Why cant guys wear girl clothes?
For those that think its "totally wrong",maybe they should walk around in guys jeans for a day to see what sex-reversal is like!
i have pleanty of guy friends that wear girls jeans!I know alota guys do it cause there alot more comfotable than skinny-guy-jeans.
Welcome to the 21st Century Non-believers!
2006-11-11 10:56:23
answer #3
answered by Phish 4
I would find that disgusting!!! I mean dude u r a guy!!! chick jeans r 4 femals. r u gay or just retarded?it would be a disgrace to normal guys if this person is being considered a guy!! chick jeans?? nasty where r u gonna place ur tool!!
2006-11-11 09:39:37
answer #4
answered by Jason Z 3
If your confident and feel better in girls jeans go for it doesn't mean anything it's just a different fit
2006-11-11 09:28:58
answer #5
answered by steffi 2
If I were a guy, I definitely WOULD NOT wear girl pants. (I mean... hello... out of the question!) Plus, most people are going to make fun of you, that's a given. They're going to call you gay and stuff. Just a warning.
2006-11-11 09:26:22
answer #6
answered by ? 3
if you can fit in them why not, but i would believe that they would be a little tight and that your body shape wouldnt fit.. but if you like tight jeans then there really isnt anything wrong with wearing chick jeans
2006-11-11 09:25:19
answer #7
answered by Sammi g 1
Ok,Im a guy,and I know,this makes you sound gay.Most guys I know who wear girls jeans,are gay,so Im thinking your gay?
2006-11-11 09:29:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
as long as they aren't ridiculously tight and you can pull them off, i don't see why not
2006-11-11 09:31:01
answer #9
answered by Laura 3