And? So what. She's your EX-wife, right? Move on...let it go. How many people really like their ex? She did you wrong, so you left her. So good for you. Now stop complaining and focus on your new and improved life. She'll get hers in the end, but you be the better person and just forget about her.
2006-11-11 09:19:43
answer #1
answered by ManOfTheHour 5
All you are doing is being vindictive and this is not a good way to show your emotions.
You must first deal with your anger and move on. This was not the right relationship for you and what happened is not goo but it at least you know what kind of a person she truly is.
If you but her business out there on the Internet it is not going to solve what problems you did have when you were together.
If the shoe was on the other foot would you want this to happen to you (BE HONEST....)
The best thing to do is move on with your life. You know what you do not want in a person or relationship. So focus on the positive and thankful you still have good health and a sound mind. It could have been worse for you.
I should hope that you filed a police report and will press charges on her if she assaulted you. If anything that is the best thing to do because if she is found guilty to that charge she can be prosecuted for aggravated assault.
May God Bless you and I hope you find the right person for your in the future.
2006-11-11 08:35:57
answer #2
answered by ye 4
focus on your future, not what's behind u, if u keep looking behind, it will become your future. revenge isn't for us to decide, just makes us feel worse for it, u seek revenge because u still expect something from her, an apology, and acknowledgement of wrongdoing, but she doesn't have it in her to be sorry, and u will never get the reason why she did what she did, i do know if we don't let things go, it only makes us bitter, and unable to go on in life. the best revenge u could give, is to do well in life, let her see u have found someone else, let her see you happy. don't give her another thought, instead focus on your future. sometimes we are so eager for a relationship and marriage we pick the wrong people, we pick those who will never be there for us, we pick the ones who will use us for our generosity and good hearts, we never seem to check out a persons past lives before we committ, but your not the only one who has ever been taken, and did a person good, and got bad in return. you will just be a little smarter and a little more cautious the next time u meet someone. as we should be.
2006-11-11 10:59:41
answer #3
answered by jude 7
i feel for you my fiancee went thru allot of the same except he lost a 250,000 house he had before he married her she had a kid by someone else while they were married she played him so bad.
you are lucky really you did not marry the slut don't let her take love from you it is women like them that give women a bad name.all women are not like that there are good ones.
if you try to make her pay it will come back on you what you can do is take her to small claims court if you have checks that you wrote to her for the rent and you don't live there you can get it back and you can get the rings back because they are engagement rings its a promise of marriage and if she is seeing others it means she isn't planning on marring you by taking her to court and her having to pay you back it will embarrass her she will be known to others as a user and some of the things she did might be illegal like theft after trust or theft by deception.people shouldn't be able to get away with that can bring out the worst in good people,don't let her win.
2006-11-11 08:36:18
answer #4
answered by susan w 2
Sorry you have to go through that, but don't stoop down to her level, I know as angry and hurt as you are you want to do nothing but. Not a good idea, why did you buy her two engagement rings? anyway. Just get far away from her. You should've called the police when she tried to assult you, then she would be in jail right now.
2006-11-11 08:21:59
answer #5
answered by Lovebug123 5
The woman is whacko...waste NO energy on her, do not be around here at any time...time has a way of getting even for us..Karma gets everyone in the end. You have to do nothing but get on with your life. A life spent deep in revenge is a shallow, bitter life that yields nothing good. Don't go there, very bad idea. I am sorry to say this, but you set yourself up, you let her do this, and now you have nothing to do but walk fact, run!
2006-11-11 08:54:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you did that to me, I'd hit your a__ with a character defamation and libel lawsuit and wind up with every stick and brick and stitch of clothes you own. You better calm down and think about this before you do it, because if your ex sits down with a good attorney you've just handed her the rest of your life and all its earnings. PS, a good atty can track down your IP address, find every site you've ever posted to with it, locate exactly this page on Yahoo Answers and use it to prove malice and motive in your ex's future case against you. Posting lies and bs on the internet for revenge is so Nineties. Do it at your own risk and you'll find out why it died out in the Nineties. It's called A LIBEL LAWSUIT.
2006-11-11 08:29:57
answer #7
answered by Heather M 2
Dont go to You will without knowing it be spending more money on your ex! You can stoop down to her level by putting up this site. People will think badly of you for putting up a site like this. And you wont gain anything by bashing her to your friends either. Let it go and move on!
2006-11-11 08:29:37
answer #8
answered by aliemgirl 2
Leave the vengeance stuff behind. There are plenty of sites where you can post pics of ex g/fs, but she could sue you for slander. But I would get those engagement rings back, as they are legally yours and you could sue her in court over em.
2006-11-11 08:43:20
answer #9
answered by xoxo 4
What you put out, you get back. Nasty stuff out, nasty stuff back. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Take responsibility for choosing a lemon, find out how you screwed up in the picking of her.....and don't do it again.
In the end, you did the picking...yep, blame don't work.
2006-11-11 08:41:54
answer #10
answered by noel_1939 2