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23 answers

It depends on what message you want to convey. Although potentially effective, it is doubtful that you would want to invest in T shirts with "Fags burn in hell" emblazoned on the front and back.
Assuming you do not want their attentions without appearing to be rude, you might try asking the next person who accosts you what it was about you that made him think you are homosexual. At very least that might give you a clue.
However, it is doubtful that you will want to change much in the way you dress and act simply because it is so integral a part of your personality. There are things you can modify that might make you appear less homosexual to others. That would depend on what they found attractive and how far you are willing to go to avoid their attentions.
If it's your haircut or the style of clothes you are wearing, give it consideration. If it is the fact that you are simply a clean cut male, one who is attractive to both men and women, well you have a greater cross to bear. I encourage you to be yourself, regardless of how others interpret your actions, but consider that there are things you can do to avoid, but perhaps not completely extinguish, the pick-up lines by homosexual males.

2006-11-11 07:59:21 · answer #1 · answered by Bentley 4 · 1 1

Ask yourself why this bothers you? In my youth I was often approached by gays and I wrote it off to that being their nature - I assumed they were simply attracted to any decent looking male.
I didn't have any feeling at the time about gay sex except bemusement at its apparent appeal to some others. So basically I did nothing but smile and say I just wasn't interested.

But your case may be different. You may wonder if the attraction is due to an interest they perceive in you in having such an experience. If you are conflicted about acknowledging such an interest, the approaches by gays will be resented to the extent they force you acknowledge your conflicted feelings - and to the extent this forces you to fight some heretofore unconscious temptation.

So you need to look into yourself as honestly as you can to determine if and why you are bothered by such attentions before you will know how to respond. And I suggest, based on my own surprise later in life, that you might be so bold as to try some male to male contact to see if in fact it is not as unpleasant as you had been led to expect.
And if it is unpleasant, you will have little problem in the future turning down such approaches without either rancor or self doubt.
And if it turns out to pleasant, explore that avenue for pleasure a bit more. Whatever truths you learn about yourself will be to your advantage - as whatever false pictures you have of you self now will ultimately be to your disadvantage.
And we are all a combination of almost every quality of human being there is.
Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that.

2006-11-11 17:05:20 · answer #2 · answered by Grist 6 · 0 0

take it as a compliment. I mean both sexes want you if anything that should build up your self esteem. Just dont be mean or judgemental. Ive made the mistake a couple of times and thank god like they were cool about it. Just be like hey thanks but I dont swing that way. Just let it be known that you are not gay and you wont ever be. People get confused sometimes but it doesnt mean that you should like going around freaking out that all these gay guys like you does that mean you are doing something wrong. No it just means your Hot good for you have fun being hot and just roll with it.

2006-11-12 14:20:02 · answer #3 · answered by brandenbaby 2 · 0 0

Be afraid...be very afraid...all Gays are rapist ;-)
When was the last time you ever saw a man overpowered and raped? When was the last time you found that "no thanks, not interested" didn't work out just fine.?
Relax, we are not going to bite you or harm you in any way. It could be much worse...they didn't find you attractive! Good luck, and stay out of Gay bars! You will have far fewer passes made at you.

2006-11-11 16:37:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Be honest with urself, then be honest with the gays that approach you. If you know that you can't be in a gay relationship admit it to them. It's not nice to feign affection. If ur having trouble finding the right girl, be patient. Chances are, the right girl for you is out there. Be patient. Know ur limitations and decide what ur really looking for. Best of luck.

2006-11-11 16:07:05 · answer #5 · answered by gerr 3 · 1 0

Next time an attracted gay guy comes near you and compliments you or says that they like you, just make out with the nearest girl. Worked for my ex-best friend. I liked him, he made out with the nearest girl, and I admitted to myself that he didn't like me.

2006-11-12 04:08:26 · answer #6 · answered by tanner_hammock 1 · 0 0

Hey guess what - the world is full of women that are not attracted to you. What do they do when you show interest? Hopefully, they are polite and say they are not interested. That's what you should do too. And take it as flattery - at least they found you attractive!

2006-11-11 17:02:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As others have said, just take it as a compliment.

However, be casual in what you say, these people have emotions, let them go softly, say:

"Well, I'm not into guys, but it's cool that you are. We can be friends, just realize that it will be limited to that."

I would imagine both you would have a win-win situation in such a scenario.

Hope this helps,


2006-11-11 16:40:11 · answer #8 · answered by russ2246 2 · 1 0

Take it as a compliment and move on. Just think, you're so hot both women and men find you attractive... not too shabby.

2006-11-11 15:47:35 · answer #9 · answered by misskate12001 6 · 3 0

Tell them you're an evangelical Christian. No wait... Ted Haggard was an evangelical Christian and look how that turned out.

Second thought... just run.

2006-11-11 15:55:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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