i was just wondering because if they hate gay people so much why do they post here? or even better why are they even looking in the LGBT catagory? wouldnt make more sense not go to a place with a bunch of peolpe you hate? it would be better if all you haters stop posting here and complain somewhere else because it seems that you're all just really closet cases that need to come out. if you're not then don't post here to spread hate this thred.
18 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Cultures & Groups
➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
Nelson K if you dont hate gay people then dont worry about not posting here.
06:10:45 ·
update #1
not even an hour and there are haters proving my point posting here.
06:12:16 ·
update #2
tracerfag i'll stop complaining when you stop complaining about gays on this thred.
06:33:33 ·
update #3
my hat goes off to
redcatt69 who just proved my point. it seems all she does is answer questions in this section with hate in her heart. maybe she'll understand that anyone and everyone can get AIDs and stop posting stuff like "when you did from aids" or "aids infested homos". it would be great if peolpe like her either come out of the closet or stop hating. i'm not saying accept us but at least dont go out of your way to hate us.
07:34:29 ·
update #4
they come here because the are either gay or fascinated by our lifestyle...why else would you be here...most of them come here everyday....most of us just ignore them now...don't post answers to their questions (at least very seldom)..whatever..they have issues big time...they don't seem like very happy people...more pathetic and full of negatives...it's really very sad..they should probably get some help.
2006-11-11 06:52:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
because it wouldn't feel right to them not to hate on something they cant control or hide from any more some times some people have nothing better to do than make life or a day worst than it already is its sad to say that with all the things to do people cant see past there own problems and get over and come out because most of them just want to be gay in every sense
2006-11-11 10:30:37
answer #2
answered by justblaze_g 1
There seem to be a lot of frustrated people who lose steam by insulting others.
They are not worth your attention. Best is to ignore them...probably even getting reported brings them some kind of pleasure. Just ignore them, don't answer them and they will get bored and stop.
2006-11-11 07:55:03
answer #3
answered by meiguanxi :) 4
just for the record
I clicked on Society & Culture and it went to your question and no I don't hate gays. With all this Macho BS and the way woman go after these guys perhaps I'd be better off If I was gay.
2006-11-11 06:06:42
answer #4
answered by Kris 3
I think it's a combination of many reasons. mostly fear and ignorance. another, bad parenting...being brought up by parents that are also bigots, who teach their kids it's OK to hate (which I consider a form of child abuse), or by parents who are abusive verbally and/or physically. that can play hell on someones self-esteem and confidence. and sometimes, that festers into hatred and they feel the need to lash out to make themselves feel better. I think there are also some who are in denial, struggling with their own sexuality, because they've been taught it was "wrong" growing up. another reason that they lash out...internalized hatred turned around and inflicted on others. being so hateful, they probably don't have any or many friends, and no one who loves them....how could they? they probably feel "safe" doing this online because if they did this face to face with anyone, they'd probably get their @sses kicked!...because they are cowards! for whatever reason, they are all sad and pathetic.
2006-11-11 06:39:28
answer #5
answered by redcatt63 6
The haters complain here because they are to scared to say anything in the real world. They are just sad and obviously don'y have a life.
2006-11-11 06:11:33
answer #6
answered by sup. 4
They are just weak pathetic excuses for human beings. Either that or they get off on being reprimanded, and spreading hate and the rebuttals they receive just turns them on!
ADD: Comments like Holly's really help to restore my faith in the world, thankfully!
2006-11-11 06:07:27
answer #7
answered by chris_morganuk 3
It's like waving a red flag at a bull. People who want to insult and degrade go looking for a category where it's easy for them to do that. Atheists post in the religion category and complain about people who believe in God. In this forum, the anti-social, racist and just plain weird can cause havoc with as many people as they want. Just ignore them.
2006-11-11 06:08:10
answer #8
answered by Lynn K 5
Cowardice mostly. They enjoy being able to spew out hate and lies with the worst possibility happening to them that they will lose an ID. They simply don't have the nerve to step up and say the stuff they spew in person.
2006-11-11 06:12:39
answer #9
answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6
I agree with what you are saying completely. I am not gay or lesbian but i have no problems with them. My best friend is gay and he is the nicest guy ever, i like him more than most girls at my school. I will tell you who the problems are those annoying majorly christian folks who don't like anyone who is different or unique. I live in the bible belt so i get see that problem a lot! Just ignore them, it is their problem not yours. Good job posting this though!
2006-11-11 06:07:44
answer #10
answered by Holly 2