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Specify who'll get to play you, and who'll play the other major character?
Suggest a title!

2006-11-11 05:16:36 · 7 answers · asked by Senka M 3 in Entertainment & Music Movies

7 answers

Mine would be a cartoon comedy. I would be played by Goldie Hawn, and other voices would include Matthew Perry, Megan Mullally (using her "karen" voice from will and grace), Reese Witherspoon, and of course Johnny Depp. I suggested all these characters because I have so many important/interesting people in my life I would want them all to be portrayed! A title could be... "A thousand paths to comfort" ... Good question by the way!

2006-11-11 06:03:36 · answer #1 · answered by trs_shortie9 2 · 0 0

The genre would be film noir. It Would be a light hearted dark drama action adventure film. As I am 64 years old it would have to include my child hood as a happy care free kid living in the suburbs enjoying playing baseball. I don't know any child stars to play young me. Part two would be the shock of moving from the country to the projects of St. Louis as a tennager as the result of your fathers health. You have to learn a whole new life style fast. That part would be a young Nicholas Gage. The next part would be joining the Army as a way to get out. I become a paratrooper in the 101st. and never felt prouder. Can't wait to get home on leave and show off my silver jump wings. That part is played by Sean Penn. The next part is a 22 year old already a veteran and starting his life finally. Getting married, having a child and getting a job as a union pipefitter. The late 60's and 70's and early 80's as the best times. Played by James Wood. The late 80's would find my wife dieing of cancer and my daughter getting cancer. I would be angry at the world and fighting with God. That part would be played by Al Pacino. As we move into the 90's I would be comming down and not quite as angry. Getting remarried and having two great kids. A daughter at age forty seven and a son at age fifty. Not planned that way but wouldn't take a zillion dollars for them. That prart would be played by Robert Dinero. I would retire at 62 and wonder what a strange path my life took. A kid from the country who grew up in the Cochran Projects in St. Louis who became a paratrooper who went to war and survived who got lucky and got a good job who married a wonderful woman who died who remarried and had two more kids who is wondering why ,while he spends every moment he can get away in the piece and quiet of fishing He hopes the drama is over but his whole life has been drama. He worries now that his son might get drafted and become cannon fodder.

2006-11-11 14:06:06 · answer #2 · answered by c321arty 3 · 0 0

Comedy, I'd probably have me playing the leading role, and Dave Chapelle as my friend...

Titled: First G! The People's Champ

Here's a short skit:
1St G: Yo mama is so cross eyed that when she cries, the tears roll down her back.

Friend: lol

1St G: That mother of yours is so humpback that she have to wear a snorkel when she wash the dishes.

Friend: Daym! You are the people's champ

2006-11-11 13:21:36 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

It would be a romantic/drama movie....I would be the girl who falls in love and gets hurt which will probably be played by Sanai Lathan (the girl from Love and Basket Ball) or Gabrielle Union and the guy who breaks my heart would be some loser (probably Suge Knight) cuz he's rich but he would treat me bad and then i would find aguy who i would fall in love with and take me away from all the pain and (Boris Kojie or Morris Chestnut) would probably play that part.

The name of the Movie would be Twisted Love

2006-11-11 13:22:37 · answer #4 · answered by Miss Thang 6 · 0 0

Good Question!! 8-)

I would like for Reese Witherspoon to play me and it would be a Romantic Comedy and my love interested would be Vince Vaughn, cause let's face it, he is gorgeous!

It would kinda be like "Serendipity" because nothing ever happens for me at the right time....but if truth be told it would be more like Rosie O'Donnel playing me and Woody Harrleson as my lover....hahah, that's MY luck.

AWESOME question! 8-)

2006-11-11 13:22:52 · answer #5 · answered by dazed*n*confused 5 · 0 0

nice question except my life is too boring for a movie to come out

however it would be so cool if they could fire tobey mcguire and put me as the role of spiderman lol

2006-11-11 13:22:49 · answer #6 · answered by rickjames 2 · 0 0


2006-11-11 13:20:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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