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Okay. I know I asked this yesterday, but I would like to rephrase it because I think some people got the wrong impression. I'm not gonna attack the girl; I just would really like to get to know her. That said...

There is a beautiful girl living down the hall from me. She seems wonderful, and I want her, kinda bad. The problem is that the only time I see her is in passing. She's always on her way out, or I'm on my way out. I've tried to start small talk, but she never makes eye contact. (Maybe I'm just reading into it, but her shyness is kinda like when you're shy about being around a crush. She talks to everyone else normally, but when I try to talk to her, I get these little flutters of words.) I have done nothing to give her the impression that I like her, I talk to her like I would anyone I want to be friends with, and still, she looks at the floor and won't let me be nice. I wish I could just talk to her.

2006-11-11 03:06:33 · 4 answers · asked by Ha Ha! 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Anyway, I'm kicking myself because last night, I was supposed to go to this gala thing, but decided not to. So, I’m about to get in the elevator and she’s there looking so wonderful. She’s going to the gala, and I wasn’t. I was so mad at myself. I had a reason to be talking to her, and I blew it. Somebody tell me how I can talk to her long enough to start any kind of relationship with her, even if we stay just friends, I just wanna know her.

2006-11-11 03:06:44 · update #1

Oh. And I don't know if she's into girls. Otherwise, I would have made a move already.

2006-11-11 03:09:07 · update #2

She's not shy. She's seems to know everyone in the dorm! She just gives me those quick answers. I don't know if she likes me and is nervous, or hates me and doesn't want to talk.

2006-11-11 03:15:14 · update #3

4 answers

Ok.....do you have a mutual friend who lives there? If so arrange to go for a walk or out somewhere and have the friend invite her to come along. If this isn't feasible, then just keep doing what you are, but ask her opinion on something. A question that would require more than a yes or no answer, such as did you see that new restraunt that just opened and did you go there yet...stuff like that. Borrow someones dog and take it for a walk. There's an icebreaker right there. When she stops fussing over the dog, invite her to go for a walk. Tell her you are watching it for a friend. My guess is that she is picking up on what you feel for her and it's making her nervous. A woman's instincts, remember?

2006-11-11 04:08:06 · answer #1 · answered by pinkrosegreeneyes bluerose 6 · 0 0

Next time you see her, why don't you try to strike up a conversation about the Gala? Tell her you thought she looked great, ask her how it was as you couldn't be there, try and find out who she went with. If she is really shy try and do it when there are very few people around.

Maybe you could try talking to one of her friends? Maybe same something to them like, 'hey, your friends with x aren't you? I tried to talk to her the other day but she seemed like she didn't want to know'. Keep it light so you don't seem overly upset but maybe that's a way to find out a bit more about her, and why she is shy/awkward with you.

Anyway I wish you the best of luck with it!

2006-11-11 11:11:55 · answer #2 · answered by chris_morganuk 3 · 1 0

Just relax darling. take a deep breath in and out. If she does like you then next time you see her ask her the usual hows your day been blah blah blah "would you like to go for coffee sometime?" Or something along those lines. If she gives you a look just say well we never get a chance to have a chat cause one of us is also on our way out. Just play it nice and cool and try not to stress out darl!
Good Luck let me know how it all goes hunny xoxox

2006-11-11 11:58:31 · answer #3 · answered by angelic_devil30 3 · 0 0

Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Just invite her for a cup of coffee or to a concert.

2006-11-11 11:10:48 · answer #4 · answered by Clown Knows 7 · 1 0

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