my definition of a nerd is either a person who is into computers, studies and works hard and is very intelligent or someone who comes across to others as a geek, a person that nobody, apart from other geeks, wants to hang around with. in that he is viewed by others as a goody-two-shoes, always polite, hardly gets into trouble. the stereotype of a nerd is one who wears glasses, is not into sports, wears plaid shirts, often a tie as well and either black shoes or old skool trainers
2006-11-11 04:10:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A nerd is somebody who is a shy and awkward person, usually rejecting a social life and all those other shallow things that go along with being cool. They prefer instead to spend time alone - or with other nerds, and put all their intellectual interests first. They are advanced for their years, and the library is probably one of their favourite places to be. Most nerds also happen to be brilliant technical wizards. And therefore are probably destined to grow up and become extremely rich someday. Bill Gates is a good example. lol ;-)
2006-11-11 11:40:09
answer #2
answered by Butterscotch 7
A nerd is a person who is very intellectual but is also unpopular with his/her peers. The stereotypical nerd wears glasses, plaid shirts and is physically inferior. (ie, not well-built or athletic) But in reality, nerds come in all shapes and sizes.
2006-11-11 11:49:38
answer #3
answered by Avie 7
NERD-- not very popular,anime, star wars, star trek, glasses, smart,straight A's, not social, harry potter, lord of the rings.
That is pretty much what they like. I like a lot of that stuff so that might make me a nerd.
2006-11-11 11:33:29
answer #4
answered by Sarah* 7
you mean NERD people, I guess. Anyway, to most people nerd means jerk, out of the normal standard, or annoying people who pursues academic excellence. But maybe, they are just different from the majority of people - who dictate the standard or the normal. Nerd, weird, fools, and the likes - they are still love by God anyway. They only make population in variety, to save society from boredom.
2006-11-11 11:14:13
answer #5
answered by Shirbol 2
A nerd is someone geeky and a bit different.
2006-11-11 11:29:46
answer #6
answered by Kirks Folley 5
a nerd is someone who is very shy, who spends a lot of time socialising online. i am a nerd apparently, although my social skills do extend to beyond cyberspace...
2006-11-11 14:33:26
answer #7
answered by swot 5
In England we at times refer to a nerd as eccentric
nothing wrong with these as we British cherish these type.of person.More likely to be cleverer than the average person.
Clothes do not maketh the man,Man maketh the clothes
2006-11-11 11:15:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well think it is in the same tone as an "anorack"....someone with a limited outlook on life and a fixation of some ind like trainspoting or stamp collecting. Not aware of fashion in the slightest and a big yawn to try and have a conversation with ........I think.....???
2006-11-11 14:43:39
answer #9
answered by eagledreams 6
Someone who asks what’s a nerd on the Internet and expects a serious answer
2006-11-11 11:13:05
answer #10
answered by ste53 3