My mother's remedy for such like.
Cut an onion in half.
Chop one half up fine and place in a saucer.
Pour over two tablespoons of good quality vinegar.
Sprinkle a teaspoonful of sugar and cover with another saucer.
Leave overnight for twelve hours.
Place the remaining half in the bedroom.
Next day take one spoonful of the juice each five hours.
Repeat a fresh batch daily for five days.
The liquor frees up the airways and loosens up the the mucus.
The piece in the bedroom removes all airborne viruses.
It works and is natural.
Cures all sorts of chest problems.
I am 83.
2006-11-11 03:25:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hi Susi
Here are some remedies to help the healing process.
Asthma is caused by malnutrition. Only by diligent and consistent effort to change embedded habits will one get permanent relief. The cough is a result of nature's effort to expectorate mucus from the lungs, after which breathing becomes easier. Ofttimes the cause of asthma is basically a nervous condition because the nerves are irritated
Herbal Aids:
1. Convulsions: When a person is in a convulsion there are certain herbs that will give very fast relief. One of these is tincture of lobelia, and a valerian decoction with a little cayenne added to relieve spasms. If such an attack comes after a meal one should use an emetic, such as a large dose of lobelia or use the Yoga finger method. (see # 2 below)
2. Yoga Finger Method: Drink several cups of warm water, then place the middle finger deep down the throat and press the tongue until regurgitation starts. Mustard is also good to clean the stomach and lungs. Prior to the emetic a peppermint or spearmint tea should be used to soothe the area and alleviate the discomfort of continual vomiting. Hot fomentation of castor oil, comfrey, lobelia, mullein, etc., may be placed over the stomach, liver, spleen and lung areas. Frequent hydrotherapy baths or lengthy sweat baths are beneficial, followed by a cold shower or sponging.
3. Vapor Bath: Another helpful method is to take a vapor bath twice a week, inhaling steam from a decoction of cudweed ragwort, wormwood, or a decoction of the following herbs, taken warm, (equal parts) will prove very beneficial: elecampane root, horehounds, hyssop, skunk cabbage root, vervain, wild cherry bark (and to this preparation add tincture of lobelia or antispasmodic tincture. Clear the bowels with an injection of catnip or barberry bark. This affliction also calls for plenty of outdoor exercise, deep breathing, and good ventilation while sleeping. The whole body system should be built up with tonic herbs such as chickweed, comfrey, marshmallow, mullein, etc. Diet should be mostly fruits and vegetables, avoiding all processed devitalized foods.
Best of health to both of you
2006-11-11 04:26:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hello Suzi I highly recommend you read the link below for The Ciscal Salt Pipe - the Elipipe for children.
I got it for my grandson who has asthma and is just 4 years of age. This is suitable for children from 3 years old it is natural and safe.
I was worried about my daughter running to get antibiotics and the child using inhalers. He was having constant colds and not able to sleep at night either because he couldn't breath and was afraid to be left alone because he was frightened of choking.
The salt pipe therapy is not common knowledge in the UK but renowned around the world for a life time their are so many testimonies on the Webb page.
It helps the asthma sufferer breath easier and alleviates coughing and sneezing also shortness of breath. My grandson has more energy and can sleep a lot more better since I got him his little elephant salt pipe "Elipipe".
It stimulates secretion and loosens the mucus. The therapy helps by thinning down the mucus/phlegm and cleans the respiratory airways. It is a natural healing product. In most cases the ashma disappears altogether.
I thought I should tell you about this Salt Therapy as it is awful having to watch a little child brought down by an illness like asthma.
I hope you get some help lol.
2006-11-11 07:25:28
answer #3
answered by jean811823 3
Roast 10 Black cardamon pods with a teaspoon of cloves in a oven on the lowest setting for 1hour grind into a powder or as much as you can put a teaspoonful in a bowl of boiling water and inhale the vapour preferably with a towel or tea towel over the head like a tent. Any phlegm will loosen to help this lay them face down or preferably on hands and knees with something supporting the tummy gently with cupped hands pat their back have some tissue handy.
2006-11-11 03:21:07
answer #4
answered by Crazy Diamond 6
Dear Susi
It is important that you always have inhalers by your side all the time and give them to your child regularly as prescribed by the doctor. Do not try to substitute these with any herbal medicines. I would suggest you give your child a herbal cough syrup in addition to his regular medication. You can try Cofrem-5, which is 100% herbal and does not cause any drowsiness or mouth dryness. Your child will love it. Visit for more info if you are interested. I hope your kid grows out of his asthma. Good luck!.
2006-11-11 11:37:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My brother is an asthmatic and after ten years his asthma has shown no sign of improving. He has been to several doctors but they didn't help much.
If you want a proven, all-natural way to cure your asthma, without having to pay for useless medications with harmful side-effects, then this is the most important page you'll ever read.
2016-05-14 11:56:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
hi Bella. Your little youngster might want to be more effective off consisting of his modern-day drugs. As a well-being care specialist, I have considered many many cases even as using a reliever medicine which incorporates albuterol helped a affected human being suffering a severe bronchial asthma attack. The controller meds which incorporates pulmicont can help you avert bronchial asthma attacks. i recognize many many those who stay well-known lives because of bronchial asthma medicine. presently, there aren't any common "organic" alternatives to drugs. fairly, you should save your youngster remote from dirt, pollen, solid odors, cough or colds or something else that would want to set off an bronchial asthma attack. continually save your well-being care specialist suggested of any progression and confer with him thoughts and in case you may take your son off the pulmicont finally. solid success! I pray each and every thing seems nicely.
2016-11-29 00:54:23
answer #7
answered by schiavone 4
Hi! Can I suggest you try a registered homoeopath. We treat loads of cases of asthme & you will see great results & in time, be able to do away with the steroids which are not something to be on for a length of time. I treated such a case just this morning & the indications for prescribing a remedy were very clear - the parent has rung this afternoon to report a very quick improvement already!
2006-11-11 03:08:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This Asthma Prevention and/or Curing Protocol is for people who are ready to take the full responsibility for their own health.
The protocol incorporates lifestyle change, and implements healthy diet, body cleansing, exercises and different traditional and natural therapies. Protocol contains links to other pages that give detail explanation for each part of this program. Please, follow the links, to fully understand all the words.
2006-11-11 14:21:30
answer #9
answered by Earth Muffin 2
You should definitely consult a professional for treatment of a child, but I do know that goldenseal suppliments are good to help eliminate phlegm. They don't mask it but do help break it up so that coughing is minimized.
2006-11-11 04:40:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous