When I bought him last night, I had NO idea how agressive they were or how big they got. He's only about two and a half inches right now, but he kept snapping at my other fish, so I filled a freezer bag with a good bit of the tank water and put him in it temporarily to seperate him from the others. I read that you can feed them basically anything, but I'm not quite sure that's true...(I'd really rather not feed him feeders) I was going today to buy another fish tank, BUT.... should I buy a smaller one to put my mollies and guppies in (I have a ten gallon now) or should I buy a bigger one? if so what size?
PS. Nothing to do with the first question, but a month ago I had one big snail, now I have him PLUS about 10 other little ones... is there any humane way to get rid of them... perhaps oscar food? lol
12 answers
asked by
Sarah A
➔ Fish
Your right about what you said, Oscars are definitely aggressive and they will get really big. You need a 55gallon tank for them at the minimum and nothing else. At their full size the footprint for a 55 gallon tank is enough space for them to swim and turn around completely considering they will get 12 inches or more. The mollies and guppies can do well in a 10 gallon tank. You also have the right idea not to feed them feeder fish. Most feeders like goldfish are dirty fish and will definitely cause problems as far as infections and parasites to your Oscar. Feeders also increases aggression since they will expect them. Als, decrease the temperature in the tank slightly and this will also curb the aggression a little bit. If you have a snail that you want to get rid of you can place it in the Oscar tank and it won't be inhumane because the cycle of life or just nature willt ake over. He will be gone in no time and not have suffered and no reason to feel guilty.
2006-11-11 04:42:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Oscars can be cool fish to keep but they are agressive and will need a large tank. At least 55 gallons and 75-90 would be even better.
Take this as a lesson, research your fish purchases BEFORE you buy them. Learn about what they eat, the space and water requirements and what (if any) other fish can be kept with them. This includes more than just asking the guy at the fish store. Buying fish on impulse is dangerous. They are a liveing thing. You wouldn't buy a great dane puppy on impulse with out knowing anything about how big they get, so don't buy fish that way.
Good luck
2006-11-11 11:51:11
answer #2
answered by GuZZiZZit 5
Oscars are cichlids and being such are capable of aggression.
(natural behavior for this type of fish). If you had it in with those mollies and guppies it will regard those as FOOD eventually.
You WILL NEED a 75-gal tank to properly house this oscar. If this is not possible, please return the oscar. You'll also need a robust filtration system as these are particularly messy eaters and can foul water quick.
They grow over a foot in length and grow FAST (which means it'll be capable of even more aggression and will be able to eat larger tankmates).
It's generally not recommended to buy a fish on impulse, especially if you do not know the feeding requirements, behavior, compatible tankmates, or size the fish can attain. Not cool to keep it in a freezer bag either, in my opinion. The oscar was only behaving naturally.
2006-11-11 11:35:50
answer #3
answered by Kay B 4
Personally I 'd return him to the store. Any good store should have explained the behavior and food requirements. (Remember a good store makes money on return business.) You aren't prepared for an oscar, and it's a major commitment. He is going to grow to over 1 foot long and need a 40+ gallon tank. He'll live for 10-16 years. This something you should really think about. That said oscar have a rep for being very owner friendly.
PS- Food - You can buy Oscar/cichlid pellets at any major store. feeder fish are for people who like to watch (It's not a healthy diet long term, and the chance of disease is high)
2006-11-11 13:07:05
answer #4
answered by Sabersquirrel 6
You are going to need a big tank if you want to keep your Oscar 50 gallons minimum. Yeah they usually will not tell you that about these fish or any other (how big they get) Oscars are awesome fish if you can you should keep him, but if you can't provide a big enough tank give him to someone who can. As far as keeping smaller fish with him I would have to say he will probably eventually eat them. Oscars are great fish but they can be really aggressive. I had a mating pair and the male almost killed the female in the mating ritual(ripped her lips off) they lock on to eachothers mouths and go at it. He also destroyed all the fins on one side of her body. They are incredibly messy eaters. and they can get to be 16+ inches. as far as the snails go I have never had any snails, but clown loaches make good exterminators. my best advice is to find a responsible dealer or do research on the next fish you want to buy, the worst thing to do(and I know it is hard not to) Do Not buy fish on a impulse it almost never turns out good
2006-11-11 12:58:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Oscars are really not community tank fish. They do well with large species of Cichlids such as the Jack Dempsy or other Oscars.
Rules of keeping Oscars.
My primary breeding pair occupy a 125 gallon tank and are 12 and 14 inches long.
They need two to three gallons per inch of fish.
They live by themselves, nothing else lives long in that tank.
Oscars get attached to the person that feeds them. the are thrilled when you walk in the room and swim around excitedly as you walk close to the tank.
They need (at this size) feeder fish. they do not do well on just pellets.
They need heavy filtration systems (I use a dedicated Diatom filter on that tank)
They are expensive to keep at full growth.
I honestly suggest you return the Oscar
2006-11-11 15:46:45
answer #6
answered by knight_in_burntarmor 3
Oscars are great fish. They easily bond to the person who feeds them. I would Definatly keep him in a tank larger than 10 gallons. He will be such a big eater that you will find it nearly impossable to keep it clean and free from ammonia, even after it cycles. The best thing to feed him is a good pelleted food with a good percentage of protien. A larger fish will also eat feeder guppies but thats not a good idea if you want to keep other like sized fish in the tank with him.
The oscar may eat the snails, just smush them a little and drop them in............. I forgot to say that I recommend at least a 30 to 55g tank. Good Luck
2006-11-11 11:15:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
well you will need to keep the oscar by itself. yes they do get big and are very aggressive. if you want to get rid of the fish the you can call around local aquarium shops or pet stores that sell fight to see if they can take you fish and snails off of your hands. you oscar should have a 40+ gallon aquarium all to itsefl since they get to big. you dont need to feed him feeder firsh. im sure you can buy freeze fried bloodworms for him/or frozed ones and that will be a tasty treat for him, maybe some shrimp too. ask the shop where you got him to see what you can do.
good luck =)
2006-11-11 13:55:30
answer #8
answered by laa dee da 5
I had an Oscar, he never freakin bonded with me. From the sounds of it, I think you should return the Oscar. Odd story of my Oscar. I fed him rosey reds in the beginning and then went on to feeder goldfish. He would eat em all up. Until once he left one feeder left. At first I thought, ok, wasn't that hungry. Then he left the same one again. And again. Soon that feeder goldfish was over half his since. Wow those feeders get big, lol.
2006-11-11 23:07:12
answer #9
answered by Donny H 3
Why are you playing God when you have no idea about the hobby of fish keeping ? Those are also live souls, and needs care and concern, so just don't let some idiot suggest you to flush it down the toilet...u better return the fish and the snail to some aqua shop, and they would happily accept a free gift.
2006-11-12 09:54:44
answer #10
answered by Mantra 6