Put a small mirror inside it.
Maybe some breathmints, a hairbrush..hey, ya never know when ya need one.
Take a cheap, plastic cup(or a real one) and decorate it and put your pencils,pens,etc. inside it.
Put up pictures of things you like or things that you find calm. Spray something scented that semells of lavendar.this will help calm you down from stressful classes.
Put up pictures of other stuff you like, Your favorite singer, your friends,Your favortie band, your boyfriend etc.
Make sure that its oranized too. Clean out your locker when you find it getting a bit..messy.
If you want, you can store a bottle of cold water inside, since the water fountains at middle school can be unsanitary.
Pack 1 pair of spare clothes(just 1(underwear, shirt,pants). You'll never know wehen you need them. If you can, change the spare clothes, as the season changes(shorts and t-shirts for summer, long-sleeved shirts for winter, etc.)
If you want to get even more decorative, put up wallpaper! Very fancy lookin' Or take construction paper and put a diffrent color on each wall! outrageous!
2006-11-11 03:02:05
answer #1
answered by Skool_Gal 3
I've never got to get a locker and now I'm a senior in high school. This sux, that's why I wanted to go to school. FOR THE LOCKERS! How fun would that be? But no, everyone kept on writing bomb threats and bringing illigal **** to school and screwing up the lockers of the people they hated... how mean. You are one lucky kid.
2006-11-11 02:55:36
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
THINK about suffs you REALLY like here in the world and one thing that represents each...
Find pictures of those that represents each and arrange them in a way that the locker looks divided into sections(one for each picture) write why you like it, or if it is a career...write how to achieve it...or you can even write infos about it...
This way you'll love your locker because you love the things that surrounds it from inside..... : )
*depends upon your style really
2006-11-11 03:18:31
answer #3
answered by purple♥pixie♥dust 2
ok well im in middle school too and you just need to find some things that will sertainly top it.well my locker has 2 small teddy bears with real soft fur i also have a picture of me and my friends another thing that u can do is add pictures of ur fav actress actor singer or even a poster of ur fav show.trust me it will work
2006-11-11 02:53:44
answer #4
answered by ♫Jessica♫ 2
If you like your school color(s) you should decorate it with thoses colors, like put it as wallpaper. Magenets and pics are good but you need a shelf for your binders. Also a small mirror, hairbrush and breath mints are good things to stock your locker with.
2006-11-11 02:57:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
1- a mirror (v. important)
2- a notepad and pen (hung on the locker door - for quick notes)
3-pictures of u and ur friends
4-magnets (ur favourite color)
5-a small box (for little things that u could loose)
6-add anything that u like.. pics of a singer, ur team flag.. etc.
2006-11-11 03:02:58
answer #6
answered by jweeez_89 2
If you have a favorite cd or tape lyric sheet, tape that up along with pictures of people who you like and know wil be around your locker
2006-11-11 02:58:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Don't put a mirror cause you definitely won't have any time but you could put little poster of your favorite artists. Also, pictures of your friends and little magnets with drawings, whatever you like! You could put a little compartment for your special stuff. Put some ribbon around it. Just be creative, whatever you decide to do, it'll be perfect.
2006-11-11 02:53:55
answer #8
answered by Brigitte 1
make foam flowers or letters andput magnets on the back and stick it on the walls of your locker. get a small magnetic organizer to put a mirror in, lipgloss, and brush, etc or if you can't find one buy a reg. organizer and put magnetic strips on the back of it. put your friends' pictures and other pictures inside.
2006-11-11 03:04:54
answer #9
answered by SaraH ♥'s Jesus! 2
if its metallic use magnets. it is likewise possible to make your very own with letters, your mascot, plant existence, jewels, or something you prefer on them. plus you are able to placed up notes and photos with them! and what does it count that they are smaller? all you prefer it for is to hold your books. my final 2 yrs in severe college i switched to public college and you had to hire lockers in case you needed one. it rather grew to become into in no way a issue to hold each and every thing around. i in no way left something in my locker i consistently had what i mandatory.
2016-10-03 12:45:45
answer #10
answered by wardwell 4