Well since we need air to speek, I'd say zombies breathe to be able to always say "Brain Brain".
As for vampire In some books they don't and in others they do.
So I'd say they breathe only when they want to or when they have to speek.
2006-11-11 01:34:01
answer #1
answered by Jeronimo 4
Vampire Breath
2016-11-03 02:56:00
answer #2
answered by ? 4
It's a question very open to interpretation. As it a widely held belief that such creatures do not exist outside of the realms of our imaginations, one can assume the answer is no. If, however, we are delving into the land of such tales, then the answer gets a little more complicated.
One of the initial "tests" to tell if a corpse was a vampire, was to hold a mirror over the mouth and see if it fogged up. If it did, they were a member of the living dead. This was a prevalent myth in Victorian times. Today, however, with such ideas being taken and made into movies by a wide variety of people, each looking to make something new and interesting, it is no wonder that deviation from the initial idea has occurred. There are vampires that can breathe underwater, withstand sunlight, and even survive a staking.
As for the zombies, I agree with a previously stated answer, that as we need air to pass our vocal cords in order to make speech, one would assume that zombies do indeed breathe.
2006-11-11 02:29:37
answer #3
answered by Lucretia M 2
It depends on what context you're talking about. Every creature in myth and/or legend is based on something real.
In the mythological sense, no, neither of them need to breathe. They are both undead and the functions that sustain the living no longer apply to them. For the most part...vampires still need blood. However, if they do not have blood, they will not die. They weaken physically and go insane.
If you're talking about a phenomenon that has been known to occur in Haiti, in which people die and are then resurrected as zombies to be slaves, then, yes, they breathe. They're not undead, but drugged. It has been suggested that the vampire legend has its origin with people who had contracted the rabies virus. People with rabies (in an advanced stage) tend to act like the stereotypical raving vampire (not the suave, charming Dracula-type as portrayed by Bela Lugosi). In that case, they need to breathe soon, but it's best if they don't as their suffering is horrible and the only release at that point is death.
2006-11-11 01:43:47
answer #4
answered by Avie 7
This Site Might Help You.
do zombies and/ or vampires breath?
2015-08-18 17:39:42
answer #5
answered by Jenelle 1
yes they do. only the dead don`t breath. they beeing of the undead class, I assume they need oxigen. also: if they eat, they must automaticly breath, right? if they need nutrients to stay "alive", they need oxigen as well. that`s my opinion.
2006-11-12 02:23:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They don't breathe because they don't exist. Don't be afraid anymore!!
2006-11-11 01:38:16
answer #7
answered by Ms. G. 5
They are both suppose to be the walking dead so why do the dead need to breath.
2006-11-11 04:17:56
answer #8
answered by kilroymaster 7
Well since they don't exist, no.
2006-11-11 01:31:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You would first have to assume that they exist
2006-11-11 01:31:00
answer #10
answered by philmorris7 1