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Therz this girl @ my skwl i used to be frends with &she has decided her mission in life 2 make my life hell. Everytime i walk past, she yells out names.I was in the class before hers, & i left my sheet behind, and on it she wrote my name & is a ***the next day i read it and i was in tears! my friend told the teacher who told her teacher then she had to sit in the corner the hole lesson.
The problem is, that this girl is very good friends with my best friend. No matter what this girl does to me, my friend will still be friends with her, its annoying! she tries to stick up with me but thats not enough, i wish she was not friends with her she is so horrible and two faced and bitchy. I am happy to ignore her & move on with my life but its impossible! Wen i went out with this guy she also sent him emails telling him i was a lesbian etc.pls dnt give me th hole tell a teacha crap. That wnt work. Also, i am not the confronting type.Howecome my life revolves around her? is she jealous of me???

2006-11-11 00:49:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

13 answers

I understand this happened to me before a similar situation.I use to be friends with a girl and now she hates me.She always talks trash to me but nice to my best friend I'm serious.I don't know why she NOW doesn't like me for no reason and I tried telling my friend she just tells me that's not her problem and they are still friends.I just have to solve the problem myself.The last thing you would wanna do is fight.Yes she is jealous of you.There has to be a reason she dosen't like you.The only reason I can think of is she is jealous.

2006-11-11 02:06:51 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Natasha♥ 4 · 0 0

You cannot tel your best friend what to do so, it is up to him to decide. But, regarding to your question, the best thing you can do is - IGNORE HER! And just don't care if she will tell I don't know what craps to your colleges or friends cos you know there isn't anything true in it. When I was your age I have the same problem you have and that bring me down for a wild. I know it is hard for you but, hey, you aren't the person she tell every body you are...So, why to continue being up-sad and making her to feel good? Don't give her this satisfaction anymore. Most of your colleges will understand that she only wants to make you feel bad .....
But, if you don't want to confront her and tell her straight away that you are tired of her stupidity, ignore her. It always work.

2006-11-11 01:08:10 · answer #2 · answered by Night Sorrows 2 · 0 0

Wow! You seem very angry and agitated. Calm down and breathe deeply so that you can analyse and overcome your problems better.
From what you stated, there is an annoying girl pestering you and making you feel very uncomfortable. I understood very well as i was once like you too.
My story goes like this... My first year class only had 6 girls in it. During the grouping of group projects, all the other girls had company with each other in their group. I was kicked out by one of the girls just because she did not like me. I was cruelly forced to group with 4 other guys. Imagine how left out and sad i was then. I was puzzled and hurt by the girl who kicked me out of their group. So, not knowing what else to do, i decided to take it as a learning experience. Somehow, there must be reasons for the girl not liking me. Therefore, i tried my very best to say hi and smile to her whenever we meet in school. When the group of girls are chatting, i joined in cheerfully and tried my very best to be friendly with them. A few months later, guess what??? I was invited to the class chalet by the girl who hurt me. And during the chalet, we learned more about each other - good points and bad points. Eventually, the girl and i became quite good friends.
To conclude, a person really has to make an effort to be nice to everyone even if someone did things to hurt you. Your kindness and friendliness will eventually come back to you.
* As for the guy, you shouldn't worry too much. If he is worthy of your love, he should trust you and not the email the girl sent him.
Good luck for your friendship and romance ^_^

2006-11-11 01:40:24 · answer #3 · answered by Daffodil 3 · 0 0

Most generally, if you ignore her long enough she will stop doing this. Somehow you are giving her the reaction that she is seeking from you. I don't know what her problem is, but definately ignore her and keep ignoring her. Let her be the immature one. You be the bigger person. Just ignore her and her comments. Eventually people will see that she is just bullying you and trying to pick a fight, but it's not working with you and people will respect that.

2006-11-11 00:54:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some how - she is jealous of you. You have something she doesn't, whether monitary wise, or personality wise. She knows what she does affects you, so she will keep doing it. Brush her off, show her you don't care, and find something to keep your mind off of her. Don't do anything physical - you will just get in trouble, and there will be more to talk about from her side of things. Don't say things to her to get her going, just show her that you are better than that. Don't be a snob, just be you. She obviously needs a hobby!

2006-11-11 00:56:26 · answer #5 · answered by Kate 3 · 0 0

Why did she decide to make your life hell? Figure that out..
Then call your best friend on the phone and explain how you feel . Hopefully she'll understand ( if shes a good friend )
IF ( in a rare occasion ) she doesnt understand whatsoever.. then your gunna have to pull yourself together and fight back..
Its girl world. Its harsh. It sucks. good luck.

2006-11-11 00:56:15 · answer #6 · answered by xPEANUTx 2 · 0 0

honestly its true if you ignore her, she will get bored of it! She wants to know you are getting annoyed or upset by this so she keeps doing it, but honestly she will get bored. I would also speak to your friend about why she wants to be friends with someone so nasty, maybe she is scared this girl will turn on her, but i also think you should try and make some new friends away from all these nasty girls. good luck.

2006-11-11 01:11:14 · answer #7 · answered by I~Love~Baileys 3 · 0 0

Scare the piss out of her. Tell her some stuff like, "If you ever so much as look at me again, I will kick your teeth to the back of your throat!" Look at her for a second longer than neccessary and bust out laughing and walk away.

2006-11-11 00:54:55 · answer #8 · answered by Ha Ha! 3 · 0 0

bypass as much as her and be like "Why do you hate me?" risk is she's purely jealous. So do this and if she provides a real reason talk her approximately it. the different option is to purely ignore approximately her. likely she's doing this just to get a reaction out of you so ignoring her ought to help. additionally if she teases you on your face purely be like "i do no longer care" or "How long did it take you to return up with that one?" or maybe "it shows you particularly care approximately me via how lots time and attempt you utilize to return up with insults to declare to me, with the aid of fact i'm confident that in case you particularly hate me, then you certainly could completely ignore approximately me and does no longer even waste some time right here." ok you ought to no longer prefer to declare the final 2 considering could make her hate you greater, so the answer time the concern could be to bypass as much as her and easily be sure why she hates you lots and if she does not provide you a valid reason purely ignore approximately her. have relaxing which incorporate your different acquaintances and if she skips out considering you there it particularly is her loss. do exactly no longer permit her get to you considering you already know and that i understand that it particularly is purely BS popping out of her mouth! purely stay your existence and purely ignore approximately her. She'll returned off if she realizes she's no longer doing any harm. yet save attempting to attitude her and ask her why she hates you or maybe help her and attempt to be acquaintances along with her. That way your being a bigger individual and making an attempt yet do no longer provide up. purely be useful to her and he or she'll comprehend that it particularly is no longer properly worth it hating you.

2016-10-03 12:43:12 · answer #9 · answered by wardwell 4 · 0 0

ignore her, these kind of people ain't worth to be a part of your life ain't they? And doin' confrontation is childish.

Never think as if a person is jealous of you anyway, this make you even 'lower'

2006-11-11 01:03:15 · answer #10 · answered by Bradley 2 · 0 0

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