If you need to ask advice here then you are clearly not skilled enough
Go back to school
2006-11-10 22:59:11
answer #1
answered by pop 4
There are some ways to get traffic to your site:
1. Post in forums. If your site is about electronics, search for "electronics forums" in Google, get a forum account and post actively there. Include your signature with a link to your site.
2. Submit your site to Google Sitemap. This way, Google will crawl your site faster increasing your chances of appearing on Google Search Engines.
3. Join TrafficSwarm to get some traffic by reading other people's website first. In return, they will go to your site. Check out http://www.wanginternet.com/traffic
4. Join PPC programs like Google Adwords, MIVA or Yahoo Publisher Network. I personally go with GoClick.com since I can advertise my site for only $0.01 per click and the minimum to join is only $10 which adds to your available credits to use. Check out http://www.wanginternet.com/ppctraffic
2006-11-15 06:07:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hello http://webmonkey.com and http://htmlgoodies.com are all about web development. They post good articial for web site developers.
As for hosting on a budget check out sites http://findmyhosting.com that let you compare rates.
Languages like PHP, Java, ASP or whatever are used along with HTML. People usually learn them only if they need to for their sites. LIke for example if you where to have a forum then you would learn PHP for the forum and Mysql for the database.
2006-11-11 06:56:15
answer #3
answered by jack 6
What you need is proper Search Engine Optimization.
Here are some basic tips to get higher ranking on Google:
1) Dont use frames
2) Dont use too many dynamic URLs
If your URL contains any of the following elements it is considered a Dynamic URL as far as the search engines are concerned:
?, &, %, +, =, $, cgi-bin, .cgi
Example of dynamic URL would be http://search.msn.com/results.asp?q=dynamic+url
3) Avoid using a Flash home page (Splash page). Also Hyperlinks made with Flash can't be spidered by the search engines.
4) Dont use IMAGE MAPS or JAVASCRIPT for your hyperlinks
Due to the code that makes up an image map search engines often get trapped in them and can't spider your site.
5) Choose correct keyword : Since the keywords that you decide to target will be used throughout the optimization process choosing the right keywords is essential
Here's an EXAMPLE for a site selling shoes:
men's shoes
women's shoes
imported italian shoes
men's leather penny loafers
women's aerobic sneakers
Check out your competition for ideas. Do a search using keywords that you already know you want to target and click through on the top sites that come up.
Develop a list of keyword phrases, following the tips on this page, for each page that you optimize for the search engines.
6) Include 1-2 of your most important keyword phrases in the title tag, BUT be careful not to just list keywords since if you just list keywords you risk being viewed as a spamming the engines which can ultimately lead to you being blacklisted by the search engines.
Each page of your site should have it's own title tag with it's own keywords that related to the page that it appears on.
7) Many people incorrectly believe that good meta tags are all that is needed to achieve good listings in the search engines, which is entirely incorrect.
Make sure you accurately describe the content of your page while trying to entice visitors to click on your listing.
Include 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases. Especially those used in your title tag and page copy.
Try to have your most important keywords appear at the beginning of your description. This often brings better results, and will help avoid having any search engine cut off your keywords if they limit the length of your description.
YOUR KEYWORDS META TAG SHOULD NOT exceed 1024 characters including spaces.
YOUR DESCRIPTION META TAG SHOULD not exceed 250 characters including spaces.
If your site has content of interest to a specific geographic location be sure to include the actual location in your keyword meta.
Each image on your page can include a keyword phrase or two that relates to the image. This text will also show up & help those that may have their images turned off when visiting your site.
Do not try to cram a bunch of keywords into the "alt" attribute. USE NO MORE THAN 2-3 PER IMAGE.
9) DONT Use the same color text on your page as the page's background color. This has often been used to keyword stuff a web page. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam.
10) DONT use multiple instances of the same tag. For example, using more than one title tag. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam.
11) DONT submit the same page to any engine more than once within 24hrs.
12) Google Adwords is another way to make sure any search on google for the topic related to your site will show higher ranking. This however is COSTLY so I'd say AVOID IT since you have a small budget.
Here's the length of time it currently takes to get listed at each of the major search engines once you have submitted your web page.
MSN : Up to 2 months
Google : Up to 4 weeks
AltaVista : Up to 1 week
Fast : Up to 2 weeks
Excite : Up to 6 weeks
Northern Light : Up to 4 weeks
AOL : Up to 2 months
HotBot : Up to 2 months
iWon : Up to 2 months
2006-11-11 07:10:44
answer #4
answered by stock_diddy 2
How skilled are you in hmtl php etc? If you are not it's best to go with a hosting company that has it's own website builder 1 and 1 do this and they are currently doing the home package for £4.99 per month
2006-11-11 06:53:57
answer #5
answered by Sir Sidney Snot 6
are you familiar with this site Call for help tv any questions on computer issues are answered they have past show blogs and assistance on offer no charge
2006-11-11 07:04:24
answer #6
answered by Eric C 4
Getting traffic is a combination of a lot of things. The key to success is to create great content that visitors want to use, search engines will love and other websites will naturally link to. Of course, it's easier said than done.
You can use pay per click advertising in the search engines to reach audiences looking for your products. You can use Google Adwords http://www.google.com/adwords or Yahoo http://searchmarketing.yahoo.com
Here are some shoestring marketing ideas that can help you get the visitors you need at the least cost possible:
1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.
2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important -- and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as cgiscripts.com and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more - that's additional traffic that you get for FREE!
Recommend Site Scripts (various) http://php.resourceindex.com/Complete_Scripts/Website_Promotion/Recommend_Site/
Big Nose Bird Recommend this Site http://bignosebird.com/carchive/birdcast.shtml
CGI Resource Index http://cgi.resourceindex.com/Programs_and_Scripts/Perl/Website_Promotion/Recommend_Site/
Hostscripts http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/Site_Recommendation/index.html
3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.
If you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of WebmasterWorld.com's "Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day." http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum3/2010.htm
4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News.
5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.
Here is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles http://answers.yahoo.com/question/;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481
6. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:
Craigslist http://www.craigslist.com
Google Base http://base.google.com
Classifieds for Free http://www.classifiedsforfree.com/...
Text Link Exchange http://www.txtswap.com/
Recycler.com http://www.recycler.com/
Yahoo Classifieds http://classifieds.yahoo.com/
US Free Ads http://www.usfreeads.com/
2006-11-14 18:13:00
answer #7
answered by imisidro 7