A dual-core CPU combines two independent processors and their respective caches and cache controllers onto a single silicon chip, or integrated circuit. IBM's POWER4 was the first microprocessor to incorporate 2-cores on a single die. Various dual-core CPUs are being developed by companies such as Motorola, Intel and AMD, and are scheduled to appear in consumer products in 2005.
It's like having two processors, so you can do more cpu-intensive work at the same time, such as playing a video game while encoding a video, where before it would just really not work at all because one would be taking all of the cpu power, usually the video encoding, leaving your video game choppy.
2006-11-10 16:21:41
answer #1
answered by Jeremy D 4
Dual core means that the processor IC has two processor sections. These are the part of the CPU that actually manipulate data, or execute the instructions in software.
Having two processing units means that the CPU is able to simultaneously perform two operatioins, basically making the CPU (almost) twice as fast. It is almost as good as having multiple processors, with the exception that the Dual Core CPU doesn't have separate I/O, and needs to access the same memory. (Some multi-processor systems provide separate RAM for each processor, making it much faster).
With a Dual Core processor, the operating system assigns different tasks to the separate processors. This doesn't necessarily mean that programs run on individual cores, but rather "threads" or program segments will run on the cores. An individual program may have threads running simultaneously on different cores. This is how it increases speed of single programs. (Not all programs are written using threads, and those that don't will not run significantly faster with this technology)
2006-11-10 16:30:14
answer #2
answered by Deirdre H 7
Dual core processor basically means that you have 2 processors inside of a single chip (house on a single chip).
The reason that it is better is that you can do 2 calculations simultaneously, you have 2x the processing power a single core processor. In essence, with a dual core processor your computer will be much more responsible while doing any CPU intensive operation (playing videos, doing video conferences, playing games, encoding music, etc...)
Hope this helps
2006-11-10 16:22:46
answer #3
answered by Cris 3
A dual core processor means as what it says. It has two processor chips on one chip. This allows a PC to use more programs without taxing the cpu. It is almost like have two computer running side-by-side.
In the near future, processors will have quad core, and eventually much more.
2006-11-10 16:21:48
answer #4
answered by Corillan 4